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Wamu WKN 893906 News !

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Wamu WKN 893906 News ! KohleKies

Edgar Sargend

21.12.11 20:48
137 Std ;-)

da war er aber fleißig


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Wamu WKN 893906 News ! KohleKies

Edgar Sargent

21.12.11 20:56
13.-17.11.2011 in New York für settlement verhandlungen

doc 1

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Pjöngjang

Susman Godfrey L.L.P.

21.12.11 21:03
Hier wurde eine Rechnung von unserer Partei eingereicht, insg. wurden vom 01 bis 30.11.2011.
Es wurden 155.50 Arbeitsstunden in Rechnung gestellt, die Kosten liegen bei 74,595.00$.

9231   Twentieth Monthly Application of Susman Godfrey L.L.P., as Co-Counsel to the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders of Washington Mutual, Inc. et al., for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred for the Period of November 1, 2011 Through November 30, 2011

Seth Ard                 10.00  Arbeitsstunden

Edgar G. Sargent   137.10 Arbeitsstunden

Justin A. Nelson        2.60   Arbeisstunden

und weiter.

Der Hauptvermerk lag im:

Ligitation                                                  38.90   Arbeitsstunden

Plan and Disclosure Statement                112.90 Arbeitsstunden

Committee Administration                        1.50     Arbeitsstunden

und weiteres.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! justnormal


21.12.11 21:09

Frage an euch:

Warum hat diesmal bei "diesem DS" keiner von Weil Gotshal und Manges unterschrieben sondern Richards,Layton und Finger?

Wundert euch das nicht?


Wamu WKN 893906 News ! der_erste_klon

ein für alle mal .

21.12.11 21:11
ein vorschlag zum por 7 für das ec (von rosen) ist etwas vollkommen anderes
als ein vorschlag vom ec für den por 7 (an rosen).

was ist daran so schwer zu kapieren . das ec hat bisher überhaupt rein gar nichts gemacht ausser mediation betrieben und gesagt das diese gut verläuft !

rosen hat einen nicht unterschriebenen vorschlag eingereicht . mehr nicht .

und alle haben sich verrückt machen lassen durch sargents aussage das alles gut läuft in der mediation .
und es misinterpretiert! , dahingehend , dass alles gut läuft mit rosens por 7 .


morgen lichtet sich ein stück nebel .
ich glaub ich steck in nem raumzeitkontinuum wo alles immer wieder auf letzte woche verdreht wird .
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! meischer_eder


21.12.11 21:13
Habt ihr schon mal mit eurer Bank bzw. eurem Broker gesprochen ob euch im Fall der Fälle die Abstimmungsunterlagen erreichen werden?

Bin bei der DAB und bei mir hat es bei den ersten beiden Abstimmungen nicht geklappt obwohl ich es über die DAB und direkt über KCC mehrfach und aktiv versucht habe ...
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! holzauge999

Danke Schwarzer

21.12.11 21:19
Das du dich meiner angenommen hast.Aber jetzt kommts ,das Holzauge interpretierst du vollkommen falsch.
Hier eine geschichtliche Aufhellung deines doch eigentlich guten Allgemeinwissens hier der Link:[]=rart_ou

Gruss Holz PS: Du solltest dich nicht so von den Werbekampanien des 1 und 2 Auges beeinflussen lassen.
Neues Motto: Weg vom Öl das ist Zukunft !!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! KohleKies

mit dem kurs

21.12.11 21:23
ist schon ganz schön deprimierend. mit kleinen Stücken immer wieder runter.


Wamu WKN 893906 News ! much slower
much slower:

@ all

21.12.11 21:25

Sorry Leuts dass ich mich jetzt nochmal meld. Es geht um meinen vorherigen Beitrag "174119". Leider hab ich keine Antwort bekommen und ich find das Dingens einfach nicht. "EIN SO WICHTIGES DOK DES EC'S HAT DOCH SICHER JEMAND ABGESPEICHERT ODER KANN MIR DEN LINK GEBEn ODER EINEN HINWEIS DRÜBER ?????????????. (Schon interessant, dass sich keiner meldet bei so nem wichtigen Dok.) Vielleicht wird aber auch nur wieder Müll getextet.

much slower

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Pjöngjang

Why Jamie Dimon Just Doesn't Get It

21.12.11 21:28
Jamie Dimon, the infamous CEO of JPMorgan Chase, is back to doing what he does best: defending the bankers of the 1% against the petulant 99%. "Acting like everyone who's been successful is bad and because you're rich you're bad, I just don't get it," he said at a recent investors conference. "Sometimes there's a bad apple, yet we denigrate the whole."

Dimon says this as if he's not one of the baddest apples in the barrel. Let's review a few of his misdeeds:

•Under his leadership, JPMorgan Chase "misled" investors (that's "defrauded," in plain English) on mortgage sales to help spur the financial crisis. The company then successfully lobbied for a $25 billion bailout and $391 billion in virtually interest-free loans.

•He leaked false information about Washington Mutual's finances so he could buy the company at a bargain price.

•JPMorgan Chase was part of the "robo-signing" scandal in which banks foreclosed on homes without verifying that such action was legal and justified.

•He hid the fact that one of JPMorgan Chase's risky derivatives deals, known as "Squared," was actually designed in part by a hedge fund that bet against a good chunk of the deal.

•JPMorgan Chase recently engaged in bid-rigging and made illegal payments to win bond deals from municipal governments across the country.

This staggering lack of selfawareness is not limited to Dimon. A spate of one-percenters have been defending their tarnished image by insisting that they're the ones who create jobs and allow the economy to succeed. They're calling their critics "imbeciles" and saying an attack on them is an attack on "the very productive."

Let's forget, for a moment, that jobs are actually created when middle-class and lower-income consumers have enough money in their pockets to drive up demand. Let's just look at what some of worst of the 1% have done to exploit the 99% and make our economy worse, not better.

•Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs touted mortgage assets to clients while privately betting $10 billion they'd fail -- fostering the kind of excessive risk-taking that caused the financial meltdown. Oh, and then he lied to Congress about it.

•Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide Financial deceived investors into buying risky "subprime" mortgages, leading to thousands of foreclosures. He kept the law off his back by allowing key senators to take out mortgages for which the usual fees and rules didn't apply.

•Brian Moynihan of Bank of America overcharged customers for overdraft fees and kicked up to 10,000 people out of their homes illegally.

•Darrell Issa, a Congressman from California who's worth between $240-500 million, pressured federal regulators to back off a lawsuit against Goldman Sachs while holding millions in company assets. He also intervened in Congress on behalf of Merrill Lynch while being a major customer of the firm.

•Hugh Grant, CEO of Monsanto, has established a virtual monopoly on the food supply by putting his company's patented, genetically modified seed in about 95% of U.S. soybeans, 80% of U.S. corn, and massive amounts of other crops. Indeed, his company is helping destroy the American heartland by intimidating small farmers with frivolous lawsuits and intense pressure not to work with Monsanto's competitors. (The ideal of "competitive markets" is invoked only when a company is trying to avoid regulation.)

This list could go on, of course -- and it does, at the Who Are the 1 Percent website, where people are voting to determine which corporate bad guys I'll make videos exposing. We started this vote, which will close by Christmas, to fight those who are making their fortunes on the backs of the 99%. Jamie Dimon, of course, is one of our nominees, and those who visit the site can rate him and many others on a scale of "ho-hum" to "pure evil."

After all, the so-called "bad apples" actually reflect a systemic problem: those who use their wealth for destructive purposes are rewarded instead of punished, even when their tactics are illegal. Wealth doesn't always come from making products that people enjoy or investing in small companies à la George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life. Things really are worse for the 99% because of a rigged system that allows certain rich people to play by different rules than everyone else.

So, Jamie Dimon, are you bad just because you're successful? No. You're bad because your success comes at everyone else's expense. You're right about one thing, though: you just don't get it.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! neverenough


21.12.11 21:28
Schau einfach in der United Gruppe.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! der_erste_klon

unserer anwälte

21.12.11 21:29
ich finds super , dass sie die rechnungen von rosen und seinen kumpanen so klein aussehen lassen . achtung ironie .

und mehrmaliges rücksprechen mit dem "trial team" find ich auch super .

und ich weiss wohin ich sargent zum urlaub in nyc einladen kann wenn die sache geritzt ist .
ich finde falls rosen falsch liegt und wir massig kohle absahnen , hätte ich lust mit "unseren" vertretern einen gegen den durst zu trinken .
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! 4Blatt

aus der sussmann rechnung

21.12.11 21:33;tof=4&frt=2

11/29 E.G Sargent Reviewing draft plan of Reorganization

So EC drafted a new POR ?
"drafting summary of pending litigation against the estate"? I like the sound of that
Looks like TPS consortium is aware of the scenario right now.

On top of it they did confer with LTW holders. As someone suggested probably next one will TPS in mediation?

For all accounts, as I said in my earlier post, the EC is not revealing everything here.

I would expect the Tax refunds will come to the estate, to take care of the balance issues.

3-4 BLN extra to the estate will take care of every issue, and JPM/FDIC goes scotfree. Just close the deal with JUST OUR MONEY??

Agreed, research on potential claims

11/17 EGSargent Conferring by phone with representatives of the debtors re claims against Directors and Officers 0.50 $250
11/17 S Ard Reviewing and commenting on debtors conflicts counsel's analysis of director and officer claims 1.10 $330
11/18 EGSarget Researching third party litigation claims that will be assigned to liquidation trust 3.00 $1,500.
11/21 EG Sargent Researching litigation claims to be assigned to liquidation trust 4.00 $2000
11/28 EG Sargent Researching and drafting summary of litigation claims that will be transferred to liquidation trust 3.50 $1,750

One thing that could perhaps be more clear in the plan and disclosure statement is who is NOT getting released, ie third parties not named, even if their actions are part of behavior by released parties, ie Banco Santander, Investment Banks who did diligence on WAMU acquisitions, etc.
Thanks gov. I wonder what the conferences w/ MW regarding Aurelius agreement is about. Aurelius was singled out a couple times in this billing. I"m curious because they were the only ones who broke ranks and said JPM needs to be coughing up more.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! KohleKies

wen es interessiert

21.12.11 21:34
Austerity and the Modern Banker

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

WASHINGTON, DC – Santa Claus came early this year for four former executives of Washington Mutual (WaMu), a large US bank that failed in fall 2008. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) had brought a lawsuit against the four, actions that included taking huge financial risks while “knowing that the real estate market was in a ‘bubble.’” The FDIC sought to recover $900 million, but the executives have just settled for $64 million, almost all of which will be paid by their insurers; their out-of-pockets costs are estimated at just $400,000.

To be sure, the executives lost their jobs and now must drop claims for additional compensation. But, according to the FDIC, the four still earned more than $95 million from January 2005 through September 2008. So they are walking away with a great deal of cash. This is what happens when financial executives are compensated for “return on equity” unadjusted for risk. The executives get the upside when things go well; when the downside risks materialize, they lose nothing (or close to it).

At the same time, their actions – and similar actions by other bankers – are directly responsible for both the run-up in housing prices and the damaging collapse that followed. That collapse has impacted non-bankers in many negative ways, including through the loss of more than eight million jobs.

It is also leading to austerity – taxes are increasing and government spending is falling at the local and state level around the country. A difficult fiscal conversation still lies ahead at the federal level, but cuts and contractions of various types seem likely.

Some people argue that Americans need to tighten their belts. That’s an interesting discussion, particularly at a time with unemployment is still above 8% (with recent declines largely the result of many jobless workers’ decision to stop looking and drop out of the labor force altogether). Precipitate austerity is hardly likely to help the economy find its way back to higher employment levels.

But what about government support for the big banks? Is this contracting in the light of our current fiscal pressures? Unfortunately, it is not; much government support remains, implicitly through allowing banks to be “too big to fail,” and explicitly through various kinds of backing provided by the Federal Reserve.

The rationale – or perhaps we should call it ideology – behind supporting big banks is that they are needed for the economy to recover. But this position looks increasingly doubtful when the banks are sitting on piles of cash while creditworthy consumers and businesses are reluctant to borrow.

The same situation exists in Europe today, where the reality is even starker. Banks are receiving ever-larger bailouts, while countries that borrowed are cutting social programs and face rising social tensions and political instability as a result. Countries like Greece, Italy, and arguably Portugal over-borrowed, and now their citizens face severe consequences. But the bankers face no consequences whatsoever for over-lending.

To be sure, some major European financial institutions may now face difficulties, and – who knows – perhaps some of their executives will end up being fired. But does anyone think that the people who ran European banks into the ground will leave their positions with anything less than considerable wealth? There is no real austerity – now or possibly in the future – for leading bank executives.

The protesters of “Occupy Albany” issued a powerful consensus statement recently, which reads in part:

“The interests of those who purchase influence are rewarded at the expense of the People, from whom the government’s just power is derived. We believe that this failure in our system is at the core of many interconnected issues we face as a society, and its resolution is key to a just future. We therefore demand true democracy, decoupled from the corrosive influence of concentrated economic power, and we call all who share in this common goal to stand with us and take action toward this end.”

Big banks represent the ultimate in concentrated economic power in today’s economies. They are able to resist all meaningful reform that could really change their compensation schemes. Their executives want to get all the upside while facing none of the true downside.

But capitalism without the prospect of failure is not any kind of market economy. We are running a large-scale, nontransparent, and dangerous government subsidy scheme for the benefit primarily of a very few, extremely wealthy people.

Jon Huntsman, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, is addressing this directly – insisting that we should force the largest banks to break up and to become safer. No other candidate for the presidency is seriously confronting this issue head-on: just saying “we’ll let them fail” is no kind of answer when the failure of megabanks would cause so much damage.

We should learn from both the WaMu and the Occupy movement. In both cases, the lesson is the same: concentrated financial power is a gift that keeps on giving – but not to you.

Simon Johnson, a former chief economist of the IMF, is co-founder of a leading economics blog,, a professor at MIT Sloan, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and co-author, with James Kwak, of 13 Bankers.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! spect

guten tag... mein wamu freunde...

21.12.11 21:34
.. noch immer am rechnen??? oder aufgebracht durch rosens traum por (pro of liquiting)???
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Bottleneck

@much slower (12/12/2011)

21.12.11 21:35
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Schnurrstracks

Auf Grund der Discusion .....

21.12.11 21:43
......über die Möglichkeitet, grössere Stückzahlen zu ordern , ohne den Kurs zu
beeinflussen, habe ich mir nochmal den WSJ-Artikel über Nate Thoma durchgelesen.
Und siehe da , ich wußte ja, das es dieser Artikel ist, der diese Praxis beweißt.
His transformation from small-time investor to activist shareholder began following the seizure of Washington Mutual. Mr. Thoma's shareholding in the bank was wiped out. He spent weeks in front of his Scottrade account, trying to figure out how to recoup money he had lost.

"I started looking at the capital structure, and I saw an opportunity to make back my investment," Mr. Thoma said. He bought trust preferred securities, a hybrid of debt and equity, which rank above common and preferred shares. That enabled him to essentially jump ahead in line for any money distributed from the bank's estate.

It also put him in the same pool as Appaloosa, Aurelius, Centerbridge and Owl Creek, which were snapping up the same securities.

Those securities were quoted at around one cent in November 2008, when Mr. Thoma first started buying—they are now at 16 cents—but they rarely traded and were hard to buy through his online brokerage account.

In the following months, Mr. Thoma bought in lots of 500 or 1,000 units. But he noticed other investors were occasionally able to buy them in much larger amounts, at one point as many as six million units in a day.

"I was envious," he said. "They were like whales passing in the night."

Mr. Thoma suspected the buying was being made by hedge funds, which already owned the bank's bonds. Owning large chunks of both classes of securities would help them control the bankruptcy's course, he figured. While this practice is standard in most bankruptcies, in the case of Washington Mutual, the hedge funds' strategies affected thousands of retail investors, who still owned the bank's securities.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! prosecution

@much slower

21.12.11 21:44
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! meischer_eder

@ much slower

21.12.11 21:47
Guckst du hier:

Seite 13
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! paketix


21.12.11 21:49
'dark pools' und 'high speed trading - HST' sind die stichworte dazu
google mal du wirst staunen... ;)
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! ID_payback

...die Luft ist noch lange nicht draußen!

21.12.11 22:10
Guten Abend liebe WAMU-Freunde!

...war dann doch schon etwas spät (heute Früh), habe dann aber sehr gut geschlafen und beinahe gleich meinen ersten Termin versäumt!  ( aber auch Nebensache)

Ich werde das Gefühl nicht los, dass S&G versucht, das Ch11-Verfahren so schnell wie möglich so zu beenden, wie es sich derzeit darstellt:

1) Die Gesellschaft geht wieder an die RECHTMÄßIGEN Eigentümer (Shareholder) zurück!
   (d.h. die Tage des BOD und Rosen's Tage sind gezählt)
2) WMI ist mit ca. US$ 270 + Nols + noch zu definierende Assets im Geld
3) Ab 1.1.2011 kommen nochmals US$ 5,2Mrd. an NOLs (netto x 35%) dazu.
4) danach ist jeder, nicht abzusehender Zeitraum im CH11-Verfahren vergeudetes Geld.

...weil vermutlich bereits feststeht, wohin der Hase läuft ...wenn das CH11 erst einmal beendet ist!

Ich habe schon vor einigen Wochen meine Theorie hinsichtlich JPM bzw. WALMART angesprochen.

Dankenswerterweise hat heute "ChangNoi" #174027 einen wirklich guten Artikel der Süddeutschen Zeitung eingebracht:
"Finanzdienste bei Walmart / Supermarkt - und Ersatzbank"
...und um es gleich vorweg zu sagen: dafür braucht man keine Banklizenz (oder ist eine  Wechselstube etwa eine Bank?)

In einem irrt die SZ: WALMART führt sicherlich keine Überweisungen durch!
...aber, die Zeiten, wo man eine Wurstsemmel mit VISA, AMEX oder MC bezahlte, sind schon lange Vergangenheit ...weil auch der dümmste Ami weiß, wie teuer das tatsächlich ist.

Dazu muss man wissen, dass in den USA die Kreditkarte nicht so wie bei uns gehandhabt wird, sondern für jedem US$ Dollar der so bezahlt wird, fallen SOFORT Zinsen an, die der Kartenbesitzer zu zahlen hat. Man kauft also wirklich auf Kredit ...zu manchmal bis zu 12% Zinsen.

Auch zahlen die Amis nicht mit Bargeld sondern mit diversen Plastikkarten, der verschiedensten Firmen ...und die verlangen auch Zinsen (allerdings nur ca. 4%).
Das hängt wieder mit dem Steuerbescheid zusammen, den jeder Ami (wie auch die Deutschen) jährlich zu erstellen hat. Allerdings kann jeder ausgegebene US$ in der Steuererklärung angeführt werden (zum Unterschied zu D)...
...also anstatt eine Unzahl an Einzel-Belegen zu sammeln, bieten diese Firmen eine Jahresabrechnung für alle, mit ihrer Plastikkarte beglichenen Rechnungen an.

Eine von B.Clinton eingebrachte Steuerreform (gegen den vehementen Widerstand der Republikaner) sieht vor, dass auch das Aufladen von Zahlkarten als Ausgabe anerkannt wird. Eine Vereinfachung des Systems sondersgleichen.

...und damit schließt sich der Kreis. Das (verzinste) Plastikgeld - für kleinere Geldbeträge hat keinen Nutzen mehr. Viele Amis zahlen nicht mehr mit "Plastikgeld" sondern nutzen ihre Zahlkarten, wofür sie natürlich am Jahresende eine Jahresabrechnung bekommen, wenn sie immer bei derselben Stelle (in diesem Fall WALMART) aufladen lassen - gegen Bezahlung mit Scheck!

...und ist man schon mal bei WALMART, geht man dort auch einkaufen ...und bezahlt nicht mit CC oder WALMART-Plastikkarte (schon gar nicht mit Scheck) sondern mit der Zahlkarte.

Das ist der Hintergrund, warum immer mehr Amis zur PPC (Pre-Paid-Card) greifen, den allerdings die SZ nicht kommentierte. Die Umsätze der Kreditkarten sind derart eingebrochen (-60%), dass man sich bei VISA bereits Sorgen um den Umsatz machen muss, obwohl sie noch immer gut daran verdienen. Bislang war es so, dass man für die über Karten angehäuften Kredite (innerhalb eines Rahmens) ein 40-monatiges Zahlungsziel beanspruchen konnte. JPM hat seinen Kunden 2009 bereits wissen lassen, dass in Zukunft monatlich 5% zurück zu zahlen sind (Zahlungsziel halbiert) und die Kartengebühr verdoppelte sich. ...nicht lustig, wenn man davon betroffen ist!, und nun kann sich jeder der hier geschätzten USER ausmalen, wie denn das laufen könnte, wenn WALMART eine Banklizenz hätte. Sie könnten für jeden Kunden ein eigenes Konto eröffnen. Dort gingen die monatlichen Überweisungen ein. Sie könnten den Kunden anbieten monatlich jeweils automatisch (Dauerauftrag) einen bestimmten Betrag zu auf die PPC laden (unabhängig ob das Geld vorhanden ist, oder ein Kredit in Anspruch genommen werden muss). Bei WALMART stehen dann Automaten, wo man nur seine PPC einführt und den Geldbetrag nachgeladen bekommt. Keine Warteschlangen mehr, kein Scheckeinlösen mehr; abgesehen davon könnten die ordentlichen Bankgeschäfte (Überweisungen, Sparkonten etc.) gleich beim Einkauf im WALMART-Supermarket erledigt werden.

...u.s.w. die Liste der Möglichkeiten ist lange ...wenn man eine Banklizenz hätte. Ausserdem wird WAL-MART manchmal auch als WM bezeichnet.

Geht Euch jetzt ein Licht auf?

Übrigends: die WMMRC wurde bereits gegründet (vom alten BOD). Dise Aktien können sie sich meinetwegen untereinander verkaufen und als WC-Papier verwenden. Außerdem wurden diese mit einem Gegenwert von US$ 0,00001 ausgegeben, waren also für eine nicht börsenorientierte, non-profit Gesellschaft gedacht.
Die im Zusammenhang mit einem Settlement zu gründende WAMU-neu (siehe DS/POR7) wird sicherlich nicht so heißen; ...und wo sie ihre Aktien emittiert wird mit Gewissheit nicht Sache des derzeitigen BOD sein.

Sollten wirklich 200.000.000 Aktien aufgelegt werden, dann kommen vermutlich nur 50% davon in den Handel. Diese repräsentieren dann den Marktwert des Unternehmens. Wer dann also Aktien kauft, bereichert nicht das BOD sondern, erhöht nur den Marktwert des Unternehmens in Form der verbleibenden 100.000.000 Aktien. Es sind Commons (A) und nicht Prefs (L).    

Übt Euch in Geduld. Es stehen sicherlich noch bessere Zeiten bevor!

LG ID_payback
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Feldberg58

Jamie Dimon 12/21/11 02:14 PM ET

21.12.11 22:11
Why Jamie Dimon Just Doesn't Get It

Jamie Dimon, the infamous CEO of JPMorgan Chase, is back to doing what he does best: defending the bankers of the 1% against the petulant 99%. "Acting like everyone who's been successful is bad and because you're rich you're bad, I just don't get it," he said at a recent investors conference. "Sometimes there's a bad apple, yet we denigrate the whole."

Dimon says this as if he's not one of the baddest apples in the barrel. Let's review a few of his misdeeds:

Under his leadership, JPMorgan Chase "misled" investors (that's "defrauded," in plain English) on mortgage sales to help spur the financial crisis. The company then successfully lobbied for a $25 billion bailout and $391 billion in virtually interest-free loans.

He leaked false information about Washington Mutual's finances so he could buy the company at a bargain price.

JPMorgan Chase was part of the "robo-signing" scandal in which banks foreclosed on homes without verifying that such action was legal and justified.

He hid the fact that one of JPMorgan Chase's risky derivatives deals, known as "Squared," was actually designed in part by a hedge fund that bet against a good chunk of the deal.

JPMorgan Chase recently engaged in bid-rigging and made illegal payments to win bond deals from municipal governments across the country.

This staggering lack of self-awareness is not limited to Dimon. A spate of one-percenters have been defending their tarnished image by insisting that they're the ones who create jobs and allow the economy to succeed. They're calling their critics "imbeciles" and saying an attack on them is an attack on "the very productive."

Let's forget, for a moment, that jobs are actually created when middle-class and lower-income consumers have enough money in their pockets to drive up demand. Let's just look at what some of worst of the 1% have done to exploit the 99% and make our economy worse, not better.

Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs touted mortgage assets to clients while privately betting $10 billion they'd fail -- fostering the kind of excessive risk-taking that caused the financial meltdown. Oh, and then he lied to Congress about it.

Angelo Mozilo of Countrywide Financial deceived investors into buying risky "subprime" mortgages, leading to thousands of foreclosures. He kept the law off his back by allowing key senators to take out mortgages for which the usual fees and rules didn't apply.

Brian Moynihan of Bank of America overcharged customers for overdraft fees and kicked up to 10,000 people out of their homes illegally.

Darrell Issa, a Congressman from California who's worth between $240-500 million, pressured federal regulators to back off a lawsuit against Goldman Sachs while holding millions in company assets. He also intervened in Congress on behalf of Merrill Lynch while being a major customer of the firm.

Hugh Grant, CEO of Monsanto, has established a virtual monopoly on the food supply by putting his company's patented, genetically modified seed in about 95% of U.S. soybeans, 80% of U.S. corn, and massive amounts of other crops. Indeed, his company is helping destroy the American heartland by intimidating small farmers with frivolous lawsuits and intense pressure not to work with Monsanto's competitors. (The ideal of "competitive markets" is invoked only when a company is trying to avoid regulation.)

This list could go on, of course -- and it does, at the Who Are the 1 Percent website, where people are voting to determine which corporate bad guys I'll make videos exposing. We started this vote, which will close by Christmas, to fight those who are making their fortunes on the backs of the 99%. Jamie Dimon, of course, is one of our nominees, and those who visit the site can rate him and many others on a scale of "ho-hum" to "pure evil."
After all, the so-called "bad apples" actually reflect a systemic problem: those who use their wealth for destructive purposes are rewarded instead of punished, even when their tactics are illegal. Wealth doesn't always come from making products that people enjoy or investing in small companies à la George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life. Things really are worse for the 99% because of a rigged system that allows certain rich people to play by different rules than everyone else.

So, Jamie Dimon, are you bad just because you're successful? No. You're bad because your success comes at everyone else's expense. You're right about one thing, though: you just don't get it.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! much slower
much slower:

@ Bottleneck / meischer_eder / waswesichxx

21.12.11 22:18

Dank allen zusammen.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Aber das meinte ich nicht so direkt. Das ist irgendein so ein Dok vom gegnerischen Anwalt mit einem Anhang angeblich von unserem EC. Kommt mir irgendwie fast lächerlich vor, vor allem wenn man sich überlegt, was dieser Anwalt seit 3 Jahren alles schreibt und will. Also ich geb da erstmal garnichts drauf. Wenn von "meiner" anwaltschaftlichen Vertretung bisher nichts offizielles vorliegt dann ist für mich erstmal alles wie gehabt. Ich denk, wenn's wirklich entscheidende Situationen gibt, dann melden sich die schon.

Nix desto trotz, Vielen Dank

much slower

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! der_erste_klon


21.12.11 22:31
hab mir grad mal aus langeweile die verschiedenen beteiligten angeschaut und wo sie sitzen ...

aurelius capital , centerbridge ,die kanzlei von rosen und jpm headquarters sind mit dem fahrrad in 5 minuten zu erreichen . 6 blocks voneinander entfernt .
Owl Creek Asset Management ist n paar strassen (10min) weiter ... direkter nachbar der fdic .
apaloosa sitzt irgendwo in new jersey .

financial district hin oder her , die geldsäcke haben die geschichte doch beim frühstück ausgehandelt .
also wenn wir da mal bananen ausliefern sollten wird das ne schnell erldigte geschichte .

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! spect


21.12.11 22:35
sehr interessant, aber hat walmart nicht schon eine bankenlizenz???

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