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Wamu WKN 893906 News !

Beiträge: 198.956
Zugriffe: 20.778.936 / Heute: 4.407
Mr. Cooper Group. 73,62 € +0,22% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +1357,24%
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! RoyalFlasch70

Erstmal Danke Wes

31.07.11 17:55
Ich weis nicht ,bei den möglichen News!

Du meinst 7,2 US Cent,die wurden ja schon getestet oder meinst du zweiter Test und dann Ausbruch!

Wie gesagt wenn News kommen!

Meist wurde im Vorfeld hochgezockt und zur Verkündung gingen Gewinnmitnahmen,bei den Insiderspielen kein Wunder wie wir letzte Woche amtlich oder Gerichtlich erfahren haben!

Gut zum Nachlegen wäre ich auch nochmal bereit falls es so kommt!


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Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Sourcewell


31.07.11 18:01
Ah so, dann mal eine kleine Statistik:

38 Drag&Drops 25. - 31.07.2011 (lander)

dann dieses sensationelle Posting am 30.7.11:
"Insider trading claims hang over WaMu confirmation."
Ein Artikel vom 15.07.11, also sensationell und hochaktuell.

Zudem sollte man hier mal einige weitere Doppelidentitäten ausrotten.

Es scheint auch so, daß die Beifallklatscher bestimmter Leute hier homemade sind.
Braucht man sich ja bloß anzuschauen.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Little_GER

Das Wort zum Sonntag

31.07.11 18:06
ich danke Ariva für die "graue Balken Funktion" !

Was hier derzeit gepostet wird, ist nur schwer auszuhalten und zu 98% OT.

... wie auch dieses Posting.


Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Bamberger69


31.07.11 18:21
ein paar alte Haudegen sind ja mittlerweile wieder an Bord, was mich persoenlich auch freut- siehe Body1 .

Wo sind denn eigentlich unser Benginok mit seinen charts, decon und der olle Teras abgeblieben? Waere nett auch u.a von diesen Veteranen mal wieder etwas zu lesen!

Gruss BA
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! wes_


31.07.11 18:27
yup, genau so, news effekte nicht einberechnet... würd ich mir keinen Kopf drum machen, der Wert ist ja über die letzten Jahre fast auf 0 runtergekommen, es geht schlicht um handeln, was in Reichweite ist, normale Situation ist der Handel und die überschaubaren Kursschwankungen im Bereich von 10,20,30-300%

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! j.w.

@ Sourcewell

31.07.11 18:35
Jetzt reicht es wirklich!!

Ich schreibe sehr wenig Posts hier. Ich kann auch nur noch wenig ( Schul ) Englisch ( ist ja schliesslich schon 25 Jahre her).
Aber ich versuche es für Mich trotzdem einigermassen zu übersetzen (Langenscheid lässt grüssen) und "schnalle" es auch nicht immer auf Anhieb was gemeint ist, denn es ist Juristenenglisch bzw Fachausdrücke. Trotzdem bin ich dankbar für die Infos von Lander, Pjöngjang und allen Anderen.
Ausserdem findet sich hier immer jemand, der eine grobe Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch einstellt, denn jeder einzelne versucht sich hier einzubringen. Gemeinsam ist dieses Forum stark, daher kommt auch der Name UNITED!!  

Welche Frechheit nimmst du dir raus, dich auch noch zu beschweren, falls ein Meldung 2 Wochen alt ist?! Unfassbar.
Ich respektiere alle Meinungen, nur keine offensichtliche Pusherei und Basherei. Deine Beiträge hab ich auch gerne gelesen, aber ab jetzt leider nur noch Ignore
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander

Rosie's worried-Higher WMI equity prices-Rosie RUI

31.07.11 18:46

ZItat Large Green:

Rosie's worried-Higher WMI equity prices-Rosie RUINED if no deal!

Rosie must really be concerned about higher equity prices for him to make a very small two page filing on Saturday morning discussing a one week delay. He must be afraid of the attention equities will get from the financial world if indeed the prices go to levels they should be based on the failure to get a POR passed in almost three years. If JPM/FDIC does not capitulate by 8/10/2011, one of a couple actions will happen. I believe Rosie has to protect him first so if the JPM/FDIC does not chip in Rosie really only has one choice left. That is assuming he does not know what Walrath will do and that is to pull WMI from the Global Settlement which will be devastation for Weasel/Gotcha/Mangle anyway.

The ONLY way Rosie can escape this travesty he has presided over is to get a settlement and anything less spells total disaster! One has to know Susman is sensing Rosie’s ultimate disaster and may have increased whatever he would have taken as little as two to six weeks ago. Rosie’s choices have decreased substantially. This latest action (delay) shows that equity is most definitely “in the money” as there is absolutely no reason for a delay at this point other than to say Rosie is starting to panic. I have said many times that JPM will “eat their own” and they may have told Rosie they see no reason for a deal on their end. Weasel/Gotcha/Mangle has way too much dirt on JPM and vice versa, so I do not expect much from either end if they are setting each other on fire. This is really going to get good and the volume on equities will be very interesting starting on 8/1/2011

Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! jopel

Jamie D, Susman, Bonderman

31.07.11 18:48

"Susman has had prior dealings with TPG and brokered the deal in Texas with TPG over the energy companies. He knows Bonderman's phone number, so in essence I am sure he would not be working full-time on getting his SJ for Meeting approved, if he knew Bonderman's TPG shares would vote against the EC's interest. Believe me he is way smarter than that. Would you puruse this avenue with the vigor he is, if you knew TPG would derail you with 50.4% of the votes? I dont' think so and I am betting Bonderman is on board and has been on board since Susman was somehow summoned out of Houston!!!! "
Also steht WAMU noch auf  Bonderman's Liste.

Nun vergleichen wir mal die Charaktere Bonderman / Susman mit dem Charakter Jaimie DD:

Zwei mit allen Wassern und Gewässern dieser Erde gewaschene, erfahrene und erfolgreiche 68-er und ein WallStreet-Finanzdienstleistender megalomaner Parvenue, der es mit mit Hilfe von korrupten Konsorten geschafft hat, durch Raub sich an die Spitze dieser Finanz-/ Wallstreet-Welt zu manipulieren.
Mmn sind die Unterschiede der Bildungsgrade der Kontrahenten immens, so dass dies allein ausschlaggebend sein wird.

Wenn wir uns die Netzwerke beider Lager anschauen, werden wir auch von daher beruhigt abwarten können.

Jedenfalls wird B nicht tatenlos zuschauen, wie Jamie D ihm für 1,9 Ditscher im September 2008 einen Laden kaputt macht, den er gerade selber für 8,5 Ditscher im Juli 2008 erworben hat, um für sein equity ein gutes Geschäft zu machen. Und deswegen: in der Ruhe liegt die Kraft!
Mit Susman und Bonderman auf unserer Seite hab ich keine Angst um WAMU.

Wenn Bonderman nächstes Jahr zu seinem 70. wieder die Rolling Stones einlädt und mit Mic Jagger "I can't get no satisfaction" anstimmt, dann wird das passen, auch für uns.

In diesem Sinne einen schönen Montag und eine spannende Woche in Delaware.

Alles nur mM.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander

Meinungen aus dem I Hub

31.07.11 18:49

Zitat Chiron:

Did Wally Wrath give another week for the written objections, lol? Interesting.
Zitat fsshon:

After listening to the hearings, I actually believe THJMW is going to pull a rabbit out of her hat and nail everyone of these crooks. If they let it go to decision (Susman/TPS blocking settlement), they are very stupid. The bottom line is "they [hedgies] are guilty of insider trading and negotiating with JPM/FDIC with only their best interests in mind, debtors [including WGM] are guilty of 'breach of fiduciary duty'". They all blew it, they did not care, nor have they ever cared about any of the equity interests. The NSS position in this stock is most likely the reason why the commons could not survive in the negotiations. Clawback of fees will have to be recommended.

Willingham and the other EC members should be congratulated for getting Susman Godfrey on this case. Nate opened up a very "BIG" door for us, while all the other shareholders brought more things to the attention of the court. The 1,2,4 puch of SG, TPS and DIMEQ solidified the SG objection points in front of THJMW, with shareholders making other points for her to ponder. EC has an appeal of GSA pending, if it is heard the record could include the trial transcripts of the this confirmation hearing.

This opinion, if we get there, will be scathing, it has to be. If you have ever read the appealate court reversal opinion on ANICO, you can see those judges believed the plaintiffs and not the defendants in that argument, that is why Collyer is about to have a ANICO trial, unless JPM settles the litigation; which I expect they will do before other bondholders jump in with the ANICO plaintiffs.

About us: There is a good chance THJMW will disallow or move the hedgies claims to the bottom of the line, therefore giving control of the estate to equity which Susman Godfrey will gladly take. If given control he will do the following:

1. Move to have GSA withdrawn.
2. Move to have all JPM/FDIC claims disallowed
3. Throw out Marta.
4. Move for decision on 4.4B SJ for deposits.
5. Cramdown Existing creditors in classes above equity/including DIMEQ
6. No settlement for JPMC/FDIC-R without just compensation to all Equity, including TPS.
7. Move for a quick POR that gives reorg company to Equity and all causes of action in a litigation trust that equity owns.
8. Back to DC to really beat up on JPM/FDIC-C, maybe join in ANICO.

How's that for a wish list? The shareholder meeting obviously is not a good idea at this time or SG would have pushed it by now. It is obvious TPG and their other investor buddies, along with the hedgies would have too much control, therefore SG would need to listen to them if he was in control of the estate, so he wants to leave the Staus quo the same and make a new BOD in BK.


Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! RoyalFlasch70

Tja Wes ,wenn man bei uns zu 5 Cent gekauft

31.07.11 18:52
und bei 7-7,8 Cent geschmissen hat und nun wieder auf 5 Eurocent hofft auf das es dann wieder hoch geht mit 50% mehr Shares lohnt das ,wenn aber es weiter hoch geht diese Woche schaut man zu!

Oder Long und Traiderposi haben!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Kleinst-Aktionoer


31.07.11 18:54
Du bist ja noch recht neu bei ariva. Kein Problem für mich. Aber Du hast vom ersten Tag an ziemlich überraschenden Schlüsse und OTs gucken lassen. Ich betrachte Dich von Anfang an skeptisch, aber jetzt hast Du Dich

D I S Q U A L I Z I E R T!!!

Ich sags profan: verpiss Dich!

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Feierbiest


31.07.11 18:58
"was bezwecken eigentlich Leute/ poster, mit einer doppel ID?"

Mit Doppel-IDs kann man das "Filter"-Feature abbilden, welches Ariva leider nicht bietet.

Mit einer ID konfiguriert man sich z.B. den "Facts"-Filter (85% aller User grau) - also die Zusammenfassung aller wichtigen Beiträge.

Eine weitere ID dient der Unterhaltung. Quasi das Negativ der "Facts"-ID. Es gibt hier ja - neben den sachlichen, fleißigen Membern - alles: Verschwörungstheoretiker, Polemiker, Verfolgungswahn geplagte, Linksautonome, Lobbyisten, Zahnarztpatienten, Paranoide, Spiegelabonnenten, Verwirrte, Witzbolde, Komiker... manchmal verschwimmen hier auch die Grenzen der Begrifflichkeit.

Man müsste zwischen "Fun" und "Facts"-Modus switchen können. Dann gäbe es bestimmt weniger Doppel-IDs.

Ich lese hier seit über 2 Jahren mit, halte aber in der Regel mein Maul, weil ich eh nix sinnvolles zum Thema beizutragen habe. Sollte manch anderer auch mal machen, würde diesem Thread gut tun. Und jetzt verkrieche ich mich wieder in mein Loch und mach mich grau, damit ich meinen eigenen Blödsinn nicht lesen muss :P
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! baecki01

interessantes Posting aus Ihub von Civilwargeneral

31.07.11 19:11

What ANICO means for us:

This is the brief that the Appeals Court agreed with.
The Appeals Court ruling overturned a lower Court ruling that had dismissed this lawsuit against JPMC for actions done PRIOR to the FDIC seizure.

The FDIC jumped in as a third party defending JPMC for reasons of their own. Hmmmmmm.

The Appeals Court basically said that suing for actions prior to the FDIC involvement cannot be barred by the FDIC.

Our Judge had used this lower Court ruling as reasonable proof that a similar lawsuit by us (or WMI) would not succeed. This was a correct assumption at that time as that ruling was precedent until overturned on appeal. Now it has been overturned. Our Judge can no longer use the lower Court as precedent and must now agree with the Court of Appeals. Our Judge must reevaluate the fair and reasonable opinion of the GSA upon which the POR is based.

grobe Übersetzung:

Der "Appeals Court" (nächste Instanz bei Einsprüchen) hat das Urteil eines Gerichts in erster Instanz korrigiert. Dort wurde es abgelehnt, JPMC wegen Aktionen vor der FDIC-Enteignung verfolgen zu lassen.

Damit ist es möglich, JPMC für Aktionen vor der FDIC-Enteignung zu verfolgen. Dies ist deshalb wichtig, da THJMW auf Basis der ursprünglichen Gerichtsentscheidung gesagt hat, dass es in unserem Fall nicht möglich sei JPMC für Aktionen für der FDIC-Enteignung zu verfolgen. Dies hat damals auch gestimmt. Aufgrund der Aufhebung des Urteils und Ablehnung durch den "Appeals Court" muss THJMW ihre "fair and reasonable"- Einschätzung überdenken.

Bitte geht mit meiner Übersetzung nicht zu hart ins Gericht, war mein erster Versuch seit langem :-)

lg, baecki01
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! rwt15

Da schaut

31.07.11 19:28
man seit 2, 3 Tagen mal wieder rein und man bekommt den Eindruck eines Forums für
Leute mit unterdrückter Lebensfreude!
Alle Nachteile und Tücken des anonymen Netzes treten leider immer mehr zu Tage -
könnte man meinen - aber es sind die z.T. kranken, z.T. egoistischen Persönlichkeiten einzelner Akteure...Schade!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Erlkoenig11

Bitte unbedingt anschauen! KRASS!

31.07.11 19:45

Alles klar! Rothschild, JPM, Reuters, Regierung - ALLE dabei!

mir sind gerade ein paar "Schuppen" von den Augen gefallen!

man hat echt das Gefühl, dass man teilweise völlig blind durch die Welt läuft!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Moses2010

viele ..

31.07.11 20:30
Zecken hier die nichts zu suchen haben... Schwachsinnige Texte und dumme Beitraege.
Warum?Haben mit wamu nichts zu tun....!!
Mir egal was ihr so schreibt..ich werde Millionaer..basta.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! janfer


31.07.11 20:34
Wamu?! Wäre wünschenswert. So langsam geht mir der Glaube aus! Leider.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander

bezugnehmend auf das bereits gepostetet #155665

31.07.11 20:41

Zitat fsshon:

Yes very true, but we must remember who is responsible and what kind of money they have.. FDIC-R only has the 1.92B in the bank (that is all this judge can rule for) Chase could be bankrupted by an unfavorable decision (that is what she meant in her opinion).

The pockets in BK are not very deep, in Collyers court, they are very deep! That is where we need to go for real restitution, THJMW can only give us what is available. FDIC-R and JPMC are under her jurisdiction, JPM/FDIC are Judge Collyers..

THJMW would love nothing more than to send us to DC, but she must first get rid of some annoyances and we are not one of them !!!"

drrugby dazu, Zitat:

Fsh, And The WMI EC will need to go after JPM for action prior to the receivership are on the table and will not be protected by FIRREA..

WGM and A&M is conflicted atty's.

Based upon what the Appeals courts has said.

JPM in DC court could be found liable for actions prior to the BK that have been preformed to harm the WMI Estate.

Then add the Stern Ruling from the Supreme court..

THJMW has no choice but to punt F&R to DC courts.

Judge Collyer here we come..


fsshon daraufhin, Zitat:

Exactly DR and if you listen to these confirmation hearings, you get the sense that is exactly what is going to transpire. GSA is no longer F&R, the appeals court will overturn THJMW if she lets it get there. She may ask the EC for a reconsider motion (suttle like she did with Nate). She can not just reverse her decisions without the appropriate Motions, so there will need to be one.

We have the estate, that is easy to see. Debtors and WGM are guilty of breach and WGM was conflicted in negotiations, so they just let the SNH's negotiate without them.. This is a clear violation..

Soon we will see it all in written form, you thought the EC's objection to POR was good, wait till you see the 1,2 3, punch of EC/TPS/Dimeq summations.. They are preparing to close the debtors and their cohorts down..

I am a TRUE LONG, nothing has changed for me...


You can't say GO WAMU anymore, you would be rooting for your adversaries...

GO SG/EC !!!


Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander

weitere Meinung zum Post #155665

31.07.11 20:48

Zitat jhdf51:

Great find...Thanks!
Reaktion von Large Green auf fsshon`s Post (#155661)


fsshon, excellent summation if there was any justice involved. This Judge has not shown any evidence or proof that she has an ounce of leadership capabilities that would be needed to enforce the laws of the court/land.

I have NO DOUBTS equity will be and is in the money, but it will only be because of actions of others outside of the Judge that you already mentioned.

I will still give credit to this Judge for NOT approving the POR in total because we would not be here and equity would have already been cancelled. I cannot believe she did not approve the POR in total after destroying equity with the remainder of her POR opinion. This puzzles me to this day. If you are going to cover these criminals up in total, why the hell did she concern herself with releases? Thank God she did.

Since the Judge had a HUGE hang up on NOT approving the releases the last time, how could she bring herself to go against the Supreme Court ruling (Stern) this time? This one action alone tells me she could not approve the POR even though she badly wants to.


Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander

TPG/Bonderman - what is the real deal & was it...

31.07.11 21:07;tof=4&frt=2

ZItat anrak:

TPG/Bonderman - what is the real deal & was it made PUBLIC

Bump ===

"TPG/Bonderman - what's the real deal? 28-Jul-11 12:01 pm TPG invested Billions in wamu just a few months prior to the hurried illegal conservatorship of WAMU by OTS/FDIC and subsequent gifting to JPM.

So, why bonderman is silent and never even bothered to file a claim or get involved with EC?

>> Was TPG/Bonderman given non-public material info about the planned seizure by FDIC, which was used illegally by TPG?

>> Did TPG/Bonderman shorted wamu stock using non-public information, to cut down their exposure? Death Spiral investment? IT fraud?

>> Was TPG/Bonderman offered sweet-heart deals by FDIC/Fed/JPM as a Quid Pro Quo to "buy" TPG's silence?

>> Was the buyout of failed Chorus Bank of chicago, one of such sweet-heart deals made for TPG/Bonderman?

TPG/Bonderman is definitely a "party of interest" who can shine some light into the collusion/fraud behind the wamu theft, imo."

I believe that poster "Stocker_chase" who did the original message may be on to something that can be ?? Really big??...

Specifically, was there a duty for public disclosure by TPG or WMI or JPM -- of matters relating to the implied pay out of TPG, of about $B7. Or could they be implicated in non pubicly disclosed side deal with other Hedgies re TPG apparent not even being interested in NOLs and/or abandonment of their potential use to them and other equity etc..
frage von much.faster:

a payout of tpg?

from jpm?

you wrote: "of matters relating to the implied pay out of TPG, of about $B7"

any evidence, any link, any other hints for this "payout"?

and greetings to jamie, he must be very frustrateted, lol

jpm raisewd a lot of money in the last three years, about 300 billion.

and all of it for tpg?


what i would like to know is, who shorted the wm in september 2008?

that is much more interesting than construed false accusations of payoffs.
Antworten von johnnyiwant...,

9/26/08 JP Morgan raised an additional $3.5 billon in the open market or $2.5 billion more than planned, related
to the WaMu deal. Its stock increased 6.8 percent from 9/24/08 price of $40.50.
FDIC asks if OTS removed the Board Audit and Finance Committee notebooks from the examiner
library and were informed that we had not. It was determined that Regulatory Relations staff had
removed them the evening of 9/25/08. They were returned upon our request

Ya See they were paid off and were part of the Take down! There is no Doubt. Do not forget Bonderman met with Shelia and was also in on the meeting to hire fishman. Ya see you really need to ask why ZFishman met with Shelia & Tpg before Kerry even knew he was to be replaced. Go look at the PSI report Time Line Its all there.

As far as Susman & TPG liking each other or in bed forget it! Steve S. has been a pain and thorne in the side of Bonderman From the Days of TXU energy to TodaY. They do not like each other. (see my TXU SUS TPG post). Believe me TPG did not loose the money it was just morphed!

Much Ok how do you know its false. Have you read the timeline and PSI notes? How much do you think TPG lost?

????? Regards,
TPG loses $1.35bn over WaMu investmentTom Bawden in New York
TPG, the US buyout firm that pulled out of a rescue financing package in July that it had promised to Bradford & Bingley, conceded yesterday that it lost $1.35 billion (£734 million) on its investment in Washington Mutual, following the seizure by regulators of the savings and loans institution on Thursday night.

TPG, which became WaMu’s largest shareholder in April as head of a consortium that injected $7 billion into the group, is the most high-profile loser among WaMu’s shareholders, whose equity was wiped out.

A TPG spokesman said: “Obviously we’re disappointed with the loss to our partners from our investment in Washington Mutual. The unprecedented turmoil in global financial markets and resulting macro crisis of confidence has radically changed the dynamics of all financial institutions and led to widespread losses among investors throughout the sector.”

JPMorgan bought the bulk of WaMu from US regulators on Thursday for $1.9 billion in a deal that is also expected to leave some bondholders in the group out of pocket.

Toscafund, the London-based hedge fund set up by Martin Hughes, a former executive at Tiger Management, is believed to be another big loser from the deal. The hedge fund revealed on July 31 that it had amassed 105 million shares in WaMu, amounting to a 6.1 per cent stake and making it the second-largest investor in the group. That holding, which was valued at $500 million on July 30, the day before Tosca’s share purchases came to light and boosted WaMu’s stock by 20 per cent, is now worthless.

JPMorgan appears to be the biggest winner from the deal. Although it is immediately writing off $31 billion of the value of WaMu’s $176 billion mortgage-asset portfolio – and planning an $8 billion capital raising to offset these losses – the bank is getting a business it has long coveted. JPMorgan offered $4 a share, or about $7 billion, for WaMu in March and was rebuffed. This was before the full extent of the group’s woes came to light and translated into by far the biggest banking failure in US history.

Anton Schutz, president of Mendon Capital Advisors, in Rochester, New York, said: “This is one of the reasons I own JPMorgan: they’re going to win from this.”

Sources said JPMorgan was absolutely determined to buy WaMu and put 75 employees on the transaction. As he presented the deal to the media Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan’s chief executive, said: “We don’t know and we don’t care” about rival bids for WaMu.

JPMorgan was keen to buy WaMu because the deal will add $900 billion in customer deposits, transforming it into America’s biggest bank by deposits. It will also add more than 2,000 branches to the group’s retail network, bringing the total number of branches to 5,400 in 23 states.

The deal will greatly increase JPMorgan’s presence in the South and the West of America, particularly in California and Florida. JPMorgan would look to cross-sell its wealth management and commercial banking services to existing WaMu mortgage and credit card holders.

WaMu became America’s largest savings and loans institution though a string of mergers in the 1990s, led by Kerry Killinger, who was ousted as chief executive earlier this month in the wake of billions of dollars of losses on high-risk sub-prime mortgages.

US regulators began trying to cobble together a deal after Standard & Poor’s, the credit rating agency, cut WaMu’s rating to junk status last week. The Office of Thrift Supervision and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation seized WaMu on Thursday because it lost $16.7 billion in deposits since the rating downgrade.

This left the group with “insufficient liquidity to meet its obligations”, putting it in “an unsafe and unsound condition to transact business,” according to the Office of Thrift Supervision.



Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander

Nachtrag zu #155672

31.07.11 21:10;frt=2&off=1

ZItat johnnyiwant...

In his 2009 wager on bank stocks and bonds, Tepper
invested a peak of 30 percent of Appaloosa’s assets
across the financial companies’ capital structures. In
late 2008, Appaloosa bought bonds and preferred
shares issued by Washington Mutual Inc. and Wachovia
Corp. for about 20 cents on the dollar, Tepper says.
After JPMorgan Chase & Co. announced it would acquire
the assets of Washington Mutual and Wachovia
agreed to be bought by Wells Fargo & Co., the securities
soared, with the Wachovia preferreds doubling in price


Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! charly503

ich liebe englisch!

31.07.11 21:13
Gruss der charly
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander

Reaktionen auf #155659

31.07.11 21:38;tof=7&frt=2

(im I Hub von Large Green/ im Yahoo von spot1roth eingestellt)

Zitat von myadad1 dazu:

I think there are talks going on as we speak. SG is known for settling before trial and we know there was a previous offer on the table. I said earlier that the fact that both Rosen and Parker jointly asked the judge for the August 3rd date to submit written arguments and that Rosen changed from wanting oral arguments to written indicated that they were going to try and reach a settlement prior to any ruling by JMW. I am not yet willing to totally commit to the idea that this latest week long delay is solely for the settlement talks. It could be and I hope it is, but we must remember that the judge was unsure of her time availability for the week of August 15 as she had a trial and jury duty. I thought the August 3rd date was firm for the written arguments but the August 15th date for the oral arguments was not. So it is possible the delay in oral arguments could just be due to scheduling for the judge. Then the question would be, if the oral arguments deadline is changed, would that effect the timing for the written arguments? I don't know the answer to that but it does give another possible explanation for the delay. I hope we are getting closer to a settlement but maybe the delay really means it is just more convenient for the judge.

Antwort von lawrencemea... darauf:


"The ONLY way Rosie can escape this travesty he has presided over is to get a settlement and anything less spells total disaster! "

I do not believe it is up to he is only a pawn caught in the middle of this case...where JPM has been the CONTROLING Factor throughout....and it is a matter of what leverage all other parties have that can be used against JPM to compel JPM to provide more into the pot of an agreement that currently is so heavily weighted in JPM's favor....

As JNelson pointed out to the court DEC/2010..JPM is in reality only providing about $25mil in the settlement agreement for the consideration they are demanding..... Whereas in the recent Support to Debtors pos/POR, JPM has the gall to state that they are contributing over $7bil in "value" to a "true" GSA..... WaMuers knew right off that JPM is full of chit as $4bil (of their claimed $7bil contribution to GSA) is monies that everyone, including JPM, knows belongs to the estate and is not JPM's to contribute.....with the balance of the so called contibuting value by JPM being tax benefits which again, belongs to the estate and is NOT JPM's to contribute as they claim....

Once and for all ...JPM needs to be put in their place.....And I look forward to the Susman team doing just that once the current pos/POR/GSA is filed away in the waste can!!!

good luck WaMuers..

Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Pjöngjang

Countdown zum Bankrott gestoppt

31.07.11 21:47
Wallstreet-Banker äußerst nervös

Der Druck, eine Lösung zu finden, hat in den vergangenen Tagen deutlich zugenommen: So griff der Chef der Großbank JP Morgan Chase, Jamie Dimon, persönlich zum Telefon, um mögliche Konsequenzen einer Staatspleite mit Finanzminister Timothy Geithner zu besprechen. Dimon treibt die praktische Sorge um, was passiert, wenn Millionen an Zahlungen der Regierung, die von seiner Bank abgewickelt werden, ab Mittwoch in Frage stehen. Betroffen wären Rentenempfänger, Staatsangestellte, Firmen, die für die Regierung arbeiten und Empfänger verschiedener Hilfeleistungen. Geithner versicherte dem Banker, das Finanzministerium versuche Unterbrechungen soweit wie möglich zu verhindern.

Dimon war nicht der einzige Banker, der derzeit nervös ist: Die Chefs von 13 großen Finanzhäusern warnten US-Präsident Barack Obama und die Unterhändler im Kongress in einem gemeinsamen Schreiben vor den "schwerwiegenden Konsequenzen" einwer Zahlungsunfähigkeit. Die Banken fürchten, bei einem Staatsbankrott könnte es umgekehrt kommen, wie in der Finanzkrise nach der Lehman-Pleite 2008. Damals half der Kongress den Finanzhäusern mit einem 700 Milliarden Dollar schweren Rettungspaket aus der Klemme. Diesmal müssten die Banken einspringen, ihre Kunden flüssig zu halten, die vom Staat kein Geld bekommen.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! h0h0


31.07.11 21:57
Was kam vorher in dem video von erle vor?man verdient am meisten wenn man dem staat anstatt privaten investoren geld leit!kann sein das der us-staatsbankrott gewollt ist?

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