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93.876,40 € (28.04.20 08:10)
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28.06.21 Thinking about buying stock in SoFi Technologies, American Airlines, ReShape Lifesciences, Nokia, or Paysafe?
Reshape Lifesciences
21.01.21 SHAREHOLDER ALERT: WeissLaw LLP Investigates Obalon Therapeutics, Inc.
Reshape Lifesciences
15.09.20 First Twenty-five Healthcare Professionals Enrolled in ReShapeCare™, a Reimbursable, Evidence-based Virtual Weight Management Program
Reshape Lifesciences
10.09.20 ReShape Lifesciences™ Announces Positive Preclinical Results for Its Investigational Diabetes Bloc-Stim Neuromodulation Device
Reshape Lifesciences
31.07.18 ReShape Lifesciences Announces European Trial to Support CE-Mark of ReShape Vest
Reshape Lifesciences
11.07.18 ReShape Lifesciences Announces $2.7 Million Registered Direct Offering Priced At-the-Market
Reshape Lifesciences
27.06.18 ReShape Lifesciences Announces Acceptance of Abstract to be Presented at IFSO Annual Conference
Reshape Lifesciences
20.06.18 ReShape Lifesciences Announces $1.5 Million Registered Direct Offering Priced At-the-Market
Reshape Lifesciences
19.06.18 ReShape Lifesciences Receives USPTO Issue Notification for Patent Covering its ReShape Vest
Reshape Lifesciences
07.06.18 ReShape Lifesciences Announces $1.5 Million Registered Direct Offering Priced At-the-Market
Reshape Lifesciences
06.06.18 ReShape Lifesciences Assembles World Class Scientific Advisory Board
Reshape Lifesciences
05.06.18 ReShape Lifesciences Announces New Patent Grant Expanding its Bioelectronic and Neuromodulation Portfolio
Reshape Lifesciences
04.06.18 ReShape Lifesciences Provides Update on FDA Letter to Health Care Providers Related to Intragastric Balloons
Reshape Lifesciences
23.10.17 EnteroMedics Announces Name Change to ReShape Lifesciences Inc. (NASDAQ: RSLS)
Reshape Lifesciences
16.10.17 EnteroMedics Announces Presentations at ObesityWeek 2017
Reshape Lifesciences
12.10.17 EnteroMedics Announces New Employee Inducement Option Grants
Reshape Lifesciences
03.10.17 EnteroMedics Announces Acquisition Of ReShape Medical
Reshape Lifesciences
05.09.17 EnteroMedics Begins Post-Approval Study for the Treatment of Obesity with vBloc Therapy
Reshape Lifesciences
28.08.17 Study Concludes Vagal Nerve Blocking with EnteroMedics' vBloc Therapy is Cost-Effective
Reshape Lifesciences
21.08.17 EnteroMedics Announces First Veterans Choice Program vBloc® Implant at MedStar Health in Maryland
Reshape Lifesciences
16.08.17 EnteroMedics Announces Presentations Highlighting vBloc and Gastric Vest at IFSO Annual Conference
Reshape Lifesciences
08.08.17 EnteroMedics Announces Second Quarter 2017 Financial Results
Reshape Lifesciences
02.08.17 EnteroMedics To Discuss Business Strategy And Financial Results For The Second Quarter Of 2017
Reshape Lifesciences
25.07.17 EnteroMedics Announces First Veterans Choice Program vBloc® Implant for Obesity at Methodist Dallas Medical Center
Reshape Lifesciences
20.07.17 EnteroMedics Announces Receipt of European Patent Certificate
Reshape Lifesciences
28.06.17 EnteroMedics Announces Affordable vBloc® Therapy Program for Weight Loss Patients
Reshape Lifesciences
26.06.17 EnteroMedics Added to Russell Microcap® Index
Reshape Lifesciences
21.06.17 EnteroMedics Announces vBloc Therapy to be Presented by Keynote Speaker at Major International Obesity Conference
Reshape Lifesciences
31.05.17 EnteroMedics Announces First vBloc® Neurometabolic Therapy Implant at AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center Bolingbrook
Reshape Lifesciences
23.05.17 EnteroMedics Announces the Acquisition of the Gastric Vest System
Reshape Lifesciences
Reshape Lifesciences
Thinking about buying stock in SoFi Technologies, American Airlines, ReShape Lifesciences, Nokia, or Paysafe?
Reshape Lifesciences
SHAREHOLDER ALERT: WeissLaw LLP Investigates Obalon Therapeutics, Inc.
Reshape Lifesciences
First Twenty-five Healthcare Professionals Enrolled in ReShapeCare™, a Reimbursable, Evidence-based Virtual Weight Management Program
Reshape Lifesciences
ReShape Lifesciences™ Announces Positive Preclinical Results for Its Investigational Diabetes Bloc-Stim Neuromodulation Device
Reshape Lifesciences
ReShape Lifesciences Announces European Trial to Support CE-Mark of ReShape Vest
Reshape Lifesciences
ReShape Lifesciences Announces $2.7 Million Registered Direct Offering Priced At-the-Market
Reshape Lifesciences
ReShape Lifesciences Announces Acceptance of Abstract to be Presented at IFSO Annual Conference
Reshape Lifesciences
ReShape Lifesciences Announces $1.5 Million Registered Direct Offering Priced At-the-Market
Reshape Lifesciences
ReShape Lifesciences Receives USPTO Issue Notification for Patent Covering its ReShape Vest
Reshape Lifesciences
ReShape Lifesciences Announces $1.5 Million Registered Direct Offering Priced At-the-Market
Reshape Lifesciences
ReShape Lifesciences Assembles World Class Scientific Advisory Board
Reshape Lifesciences
ReShape Lifesciences Announces New Patent Grant Expanding its Bioelectronic and Neuromodulation Portfolio
Reshape Lifesciences
ReShape Lifesciences Provides Update on FDA Letter to Health Care Providers Related to Intragastric Balloons
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces Name Change to ReShape Lifesciences Inc. (NASDAQ: RSLS)
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces Presentations at ObesityWeek 2017
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces New Employee Inducement Option Grants
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces Acquisition Of ReShape Medical
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Begins Post-Approval Study for the Treatment of Obesity with vBloc Therapy
Reshape Lifesciences
Study Concludes Vagal Nerve Blocking with EnteroMedics' vBloc Therapy is Cost-Effective
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces First Veterans Choice Program vBloc® Implant at MedStar Health in Maryland
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces Presentations Highlighting vBloc and Gastric Vest at IFSO Annual Conference
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces Second Quarter 2017 Financial Results
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics To Discuss Business Strategy And Financial Results For The Second Quarter Of 2017
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces First Veterans Choice Program vBloc® Implant for Obesity at Methodist Dallas Medical Center
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces Receipt of European Patent Certificate
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces Affordable vBloc® Therapy Program for Weight Loss Patients
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Added to Russell Microcap® Index
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces vBloc Therapy to be Presented by Keynote Speaker at Major International Obesity Conference
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces First vBloc® Neurometabolic Therapy Implant at AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center Bolingbrook
Reshape Lifesciences
EnteroMedics Announces the Acquisition of the Gastric Vest System
Musterdepot - © Ismagilov / Shutterstock

Das kostenlose Musterdepot von ARIVA.DE

Bei einem niedrigen Kurs einsteigen, bei einem hohen Kurs wieder verkaufen – es klingt einfach, an der Börse Erfolg zu haben. Tatsächlich brauchen Aktionäre gute Nerven, wenn die Kurse auf und ab schwanken. Realistische Anlageziele, eine klare Linie bei der Auswahl der Wertpapiere und das clevere Einsetzen bestimmter Ordertypen gehören zum Handwerk beim Handel mit Wertpapieren.

Um ein Gefühl dafür zu bekommen, welche Strategien in welchen Börsenphasen fruchten, können Nutzerinnen und Nutzer bei ARIVA.DE kostenlos ein Musterdepot anlegen und Wertpapiere wie Anleihen, Aktien, Derivate oder Fonds virtuell im Musterdepot handeln. Die Orders werden zum Schein ausgeführt und finden sich dann in einem virtuellen Musterdepot, ohne dass die Papiere tatsächlich ge- oder verkauft werden. So lassen sich Anlagestrategien testen, ohne Geld zu riskieren.

Viele Nutzer bauen auf ARIVA.DE im Musterdepot ihr reales Depot nach, das ein Broker für sie führt. Grund: Beim Musterdepot auf ARIVA.DE ist jede Position mit den zugehörigen News, dem Forum und der Profilseite verlinkt. Über die Aktien auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, ist durch das Musterdepot sehr einfach. Möglich ist es auf ARIVA.DE auch, interessante Wertpapiere in eine Watchlist aufzunehmen, um ihre Entwicklung im Auge zu behalten. Nutzer können dabei Kursgrenzen vorgeben und sich bei Erreichen benachrichtigen lassen.

Übrigens: Wer ein virtuelles Musterdepot im Rahmen eines der Börsenspiele von ARIVA.DE eröffnet, hat einen weiteren Lerneffekt: Beim Börsenspiel wird ein Budget vorgegeben, und für jede Transaktion fallen virtuelle Gebühren an. Das macht den „Scheinhandel“ noch realistischer.