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Trader 2012/9: metoo

54.577,92 €
Gesamtwert mit Cash:
106.637,86 € (28.04.20 10:52)
Börsenspiel beendet. Diese Werte werden nicht mehr aktualisiert.
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19.07.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Voluntary Announcement on Business Update
Zhejiang Expressway
16.07.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Publication of the Offering Circular
Zhejiang Expressway
15.07.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Notice of Listing
Zhejiang Expressway
08.07.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
08.07.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Proposed Issue of US$470,000,000 1.638 Per Cent. Bonds
Zhejiang Expressway
02.07.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Connected Transaction
Zhejiang Expressway
01.07.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
01.07.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - List of Directors and their Roles and Functions
Zhejiang Expressway
01.07.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Appointment of Chairman etc.
Zhejiang Expressway
29.06.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
28.06.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Results of the EGM
Zhejiang Expressway
21.06.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Connected Transaction Formation of the Joint Venture
Zhejiang Expressway
11.06.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
Zhejiang Expressway
11.06.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Circular and Forms
Zhejiang Expressway
07.06.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
01.06.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - The Proposed Spin-off and Separate Listing
Zhejiang Expressway
01.06.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - The Dedicated Road Maintenance Agreements
Zhejiang Expressway
25.05.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Book Closure Period for EGM
Zhejiang Expressway
21.05.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
21.05.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - List of Directors and their Roles and Functions
Zhejiang Expressway
21.05.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Resignation and Appointment of General Manager
Zhejiang Expressway
10.05.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Voluntary Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
03.05.21 Alpha to Announce First Quarter 2021 Financial Results on May 10
AMR Corporation
30.04.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Continuing Connected Transactions
Zhejiang Expressway
30.04.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - 2021 First Quarterly Results Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
28.04.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
28.04.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Key Financial Information of Zheshang Securities
Zhejiang Expressway
22.04.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - 2020 Environmental and Social Responsibility Report
Zhejiang Expressway
21.04.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Announcement on Resolutions Passed at the AGM
Zhejiang Expressway
16.04.21 Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Date of Board Meeting
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Voluntary Announcement on Business Update
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Publication of the Offering Circular
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Notice of Listing
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Proposed Issue of US$470,000,000 1.638 Per Cent. Bonds
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Connected Transaction
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - List of Directors and their Roles and Functions
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Appointment of Chairman etc.
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Results of the EGM
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Connected Transaction Formation of the Joint Venture
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Circular and Forms
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - The Proposed Spin-off and Separate Listing
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - The Dedicated Road Maintenance Agreements
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Book Closure Period for EGM
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - List of Directors and their Roles and Functions
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Resignation and Appointment of General Manager
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Voluntary Announcement
AMR Corporation
Alpha to Announce First Quarter 2021 Financial Results on May 10
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Continuing Connected Transactions
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - 2021 First Quarterly Results Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Overseas Regulatory Announcement
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Key Financial Information of Zheshang Securities
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - 2020 Environmental and Social Responsibility Report
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Announcement on Resolutions Passed at the AGM
Zhejiang Expressway
Zhejiang Expressway Co Ld - Date of Board Meeting
Musterdepot - © Ismagilov / Shutterstock

Das kostenlose Musterdepot von ARIVA.DE

Bei einem niedrigen Kurs einsteigen, bei einem hohen Kurs wieder verkaufen – es klingt einfach, an der Börse Erfolg zu haben. Tatsächlich brauchen Aktionäre gute Nerven, wenn die Kurse auf und ab schwanken. Realistische Anlageziele, eine klare Linie bei der Auswahl der Wertpapiere und das clevere Einsetzen bestimmter Ordertypen gehören zum Handwerk beim Handel mit Wertpapieren.

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Viele Nutzer bauen auf ARIVA.DE im Musterdepot ihr reales Depot nach, das ein Broker für sie führt. Grund: Beim Musterdepot auf ARIVA.DE ist jede Position mit den zugehörigen News, dem Forum und der Profilseite verlinkt. Über die Aktien auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, ist durch das Musterdepot sehr einfach. Möglich ist es auf ARIVA.DE auch, interessante Wertpapiere in eine Watchlist aufzunehmen, um ihre Entwicklung im Auge zu behalten. Nutzer können dabei Kursgrenzen vorgeben und sich bei Erreichen benachrichtigen lassen.

Übrigens: Wer ein virtuelles Musterdepot im Rahmen eines der Börsenspiele von ARIVA.DE eröffnet, hat einen weiteren Lerneffekt: Beim Börsenspiel wird ein Budget vorgegeben, und für jede Transaktion fallen virtuelle Gebühren an. Das macht den „Scheinhandel“ noch realistischer.