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Trader 2012/2: Gadric

58.359,00 €
Gesamtwert mit Cash:
98.082,00 € (28.04.20 10:49)
Börsenspiel beendet. Diese Werte werden nicht mehr aktualisiert.
Kurse zum Spielende    


17.05.21 Q-Cells steckt weitere Millionen ins Solar Valley
Global PVQ SE
05.12.19 IIROC Trading Halt - ZMS
Zecotek Photonics
23.08.19 Solarmodulhersteller Solibro meldet Insolvenz an
Global PVQ SE
26.07.19 ROUNDUP: Q-Cells schafft neue Jobs und verzeichnet steigende Nachfrage
Global PVQ SE
26.07.19 Q-Cells verzeichnet stark steigende Nachfrage nach Solarmodulen
Global PVQ SE
04.10.18 Zecotek Closes Divisional Equity Financing of $2,000,000 Based on $100 Million Valuation
Zecotek Photonics
01.10.18 Zecotek Commences Manufacture of Solid-state Photo Diodes and Transistors and Targets Emerging Industries of Self-Driving Autos, Agriculture and Genomics
Zecotek Photonics
01.10.18 Zecotek Commences Manufacture of Solid-state Photo Diodes and Transistors and Targets Emerging Industries of Self-Driving Autos, Agriculture and Genomics
Zecotek Photonics
01.10.18 Zecotek Commences Manufacture of Solid-state Photo Diodes and Transistors and Targets Emerging Industries of Self-Driving Autos, Agriculture and Genomics
Zecotek Photonics
01.10.18 Zecotek Commences Manufacture of Solid-state Photo Diodes and Transistors and Targets Emerging Industries of Self-Driving Autos, Agriculture and Genomics
Zecotek Photonics
24.09.18 Zecotek Ships Over US$250,000 of LFS Scintillation Crystals and Announces Internal Strategic Review
Zecotek Photonics
24.09.18 Zecotek Ships Over US$250,000 of LFS Scintillation Crystals and Announces Internal Strategic Review
Zecotek Photonics
11.09.18 Zecotek Ships Over US$225,000 of LFS Scintillation Crystals
Zecotek Photonics
11.09.18 Zecotek Ships Over US$225,000 of LFS Scintillation Crystals
Zecotek Photonics
04.09.18 Zecotek's New LFS Crystal Production Facility Generating New Business From new and old Customers
Zecotek Photonics
04.09.18 Zecotek's New LFS Crystal Production Facility Generating New Business From new and old Customers
Zecotek Photonics
03.08.18 Zecotek Announces Grand Opening of LFS Crystal Production Facility in China
Zecotek Photonics
24.07.18 Zecotek Restructures to Align Intellectual Property, Technology and Business Functions Across Operating Divisions
Zecotek Photonics
24.07.18 Zecotek Restructures to Align Intellectual Property, Technology and Business Functions Across Operating Divisions
Zecotek Photonics
16.07.18 Zecotek Announces $2 Million Divisional Equity Financing Based on $100 Million Valuation
Zecotek Photonics
10.07.18 EBO Optoelectronics Commits to Zecotek Imaging China's New LFS Scintillation Crystal Factory
Zecotek Photonics
10.07.18 EBO Optoelectronics Commits to Zecotek Imaging China's New LFS Scintillation Crystal Factory
Zecotek Photonics
13.06.18 Zecotek Receives Single Largest Purchase Order of US$5,000,000 for Patented LFS Scintillation Crystals From Key Distribution Partner
Zecotek Photonics
13.06.18 Zecotek Receives Single Largest Purchase Order of US$5,000,000 for Patented LFS Scintillation Crystals From Key Distribution Partner
Zecotek Photonics
13.06.18 Zecotek Receives Single Largest Purchase Order of US$5,000,000 for Patented LFS Scintillation Crystals From Key Distribution Partner
Zecotek Photonics
11.06.18 Zecotek's Working Closely With European Healthcare OEM as It Prepares to Open Its LFS Crystal Manufacturing Facility
Zecotek Photonics
10.04.18 ROUNDUP: Calyxo aus dem 'Solar Valley' insolvent - Flöther übernimmt
Global PVQ SE
15.03.18 Zecotek Signs Agreement with Shanghai Fortune Techgroup to Market and Distribute LFS Crystals in China
Zecotek Photonics
15.03.18 Zecotek Signs Agreement with Shanghai Fortune Techgroup to Market and Distribute LFS Crystals in China
Zecotek Photonics
06.11.17 Zecotek Granted Chinese Certificate of Invention for Solid-State MAPD/T Photo Detector
Zecotek Photonics
Global PVQ SE
Q-Cells steckt weitere Millionen ins Solar Valley
Zecotek Photonics
IIROC Trading Halt - ZMS
Global PVQ SE
Solarmodulhersteller Solibro meldet Insolvenz an
Global PVQ SE
ROUNDUP: Q-Cells schafft neue Jobs und verzeichnet steigende Nachfrage
Global PVQ SE
Q-Cells verzeichnet stark steigende Nachfrage nach Solarmodulen
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Closes Divisional Equity Financing of $2,000,000 Based on $100 Million Valuation
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Commences Manufacture of Solid-state Photo Diodes and Transistors and Targets Emerging Industries of Self-Driving Autos, Agriculture and Genomics
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Commences Manufacture of Solid-state Photo Diodes and Transistors and Targets Emerging Industries of Self-Driving Autos, Agriculture and Genomics
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Commences Manufacture of Solid-state Photo Diodes and Transistors and Targets Emerging Industries of Self-Driving Autos, Agriculture and Genomics
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Commences Manufacture of Solid-state Photo Diodes and Transistors and Targets Emerging Industries of Self-Driving Autos, Agriculture and Genomics
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Ships Over US$250,000 of LFS Scintillation Crystals and Announces Internal Strategic Review
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Ships Over US$250,000 of LFS Scintillation Crystals and Announces Internal Strategic Review
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Ships Over US$225,000 of LFS Scintillation Crystals
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Ships Over US$225,000 of LFS Scintillation Crystals
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek's New LFS Crystal Production Facility Generating New Business From new and old Customers
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek's New LFS Crystal Production Facility Generating New Business From new and old Customers
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Announces Grand Opening of LFS Crystal Production Facility in China
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Restructures to Align Intellectual Property, Technology and Business Functions Across Operating Divisions
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Restructures to Align Intellectual Property, Technology and Business Functions Across Operating Divisions
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Announces $2 Million Divisional Equity Financing Based on $100 Million Valuation
Zecotek Photonics
EBO Optoelectronics Commits to Zecotek Imaging China's New LFS Scintillation Crystal Factory
Zecotek Photonics
EBO Optoelectronics Commits to Zecotek Imaging China's New LFS Scintillation Crystal Factory
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Receives Single Largest Purchase Order of US$5,000,000 for Patented LFS Scintillation Crystals From Key Distribution Partner
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Receives Single Largest Purchase Order of US$5,000,000 for Patented LFS Scintillation Crystals From Key Distribution Partner
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Receives Single Largest Purchase Order of US$5,000,000 for Patented LFS Scintillation Crystals From Key Distribution Partner
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek's Working Closely With European Healthcare OEM as It Prepares to Open Its LFS Crystal Manufacturing Facility
Global PVQ SE
ROUNDUP: Calyxo aus dem 'Solar Valley' insolvent - Flöther übernimmt
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Signs Agreement with Shanghai Fortune Techgroup to Market and Distribute LFS Crystals in China
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Signs Agreement with Shanghai Fortune Techgroup to Market and Distribute LFS Crystals in China
Zecotek Photonics
Zecotek Granted Chinese Certificate of Invention for Solid-State MAPD/T Photo Detector
Musterdepot - © Ismagilov / Shutterstock

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