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Wamu WKN 893906 News !

Beiträge: 198.956
Zugriffe: 20.682.205 / Heute: 530
Mr. Cooper Group. 75,77 $ +0,08% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +218,25%
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! haesel

@Pjöngjang #126538

28.02.11 22:29
Ich beobachte das wie ein Schachspiel. Zuerst werden die Bauern positioniert, dann die anderen Figuren...



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Wamu WKN 893906 News ! trader84


28.02.11 22:31
wieder auf Tagestief geschlossen! Ich weiß nicht warum, aber ich lasse mich in letzter Zeit von diesen "billigen Kursen" gerne reizen....Nach dem Motto Geiz ist Geil! Ich muss euch etwas gestehen: ICH BIN HIER MIT MEINEM GANZEN HAB UND GUT DICK UND FETT INVESTIERT! UND SETZE MORGEN NOCH EINEN DRAUF!
Macht euch keine Sorgen um mich! Ich habe gelernt, ohne Geld zu leben! Bzw. brauche ich für meinen Lebensstandard so gut wie kein Geld. Und auch in Zukunft bin ich nicht auf das Geld angewiesen, was ich in Wamu stecke. klingt komisch oder? In meinem Leben gibt es viel zu viele schönere Sachen, als Geld. Und dafür bin ich sehr Dankbar :-)
Dennoch habe ich 1 und 1 zusammengezählt und komme zu dem Entschluss: Hier werden wir noch sehr viel Geld sehen, welches das Leben versüßen könnte!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Kryo

@mike2110011 OT

28.02.11 22:34
Willkommen in Wamu-City

Wird wohl noch neine Weile "tumbleweed" geben, bis wieder was passiert. Aber wie im Western wirds auch hier irgendwann krachen ;-))

Gruß, Kryo
(Verkleinert auf 39%) vergrößern
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! 384838
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! liner50


28.02.11 22:34

Three move checkmate !!

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! liner50


28.02.11 22:36

Last rank weakness

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! haesel

@liner50: Three move checkmate

28.02.11 22:42
Nur für Schafe!

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! ixam

ich sag euch nur eins

28.02.11 22:45
stay long and strong,
ihr werdet sehen
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! haesel

Willkommen in Wamu-City

28.02.11 22:52
"Einer wartet immer"
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Marlboromann

zu JPM: größten US-Firmen betrügen nicht - Huste!!

28.02.11 22:54


Sehr schöner Artikel über JPM und wie sie verheimlichen das ihre Bilanz eigentlich ganz schön mies aussieht. Ein Grund warum man von überall her Kapital benötigt, wie man sieht bedient man sich auch anscheined illegaler Methoden. Hier ein Beispiel:

Our Biggest Financial Firms Don't Scam

1. In mid-2006, Bear Stearns induced investors  to purchase,  and Ambac as a financial guarantor to insure, securities  that were  backed by a pool of mortgage loans that in the words of the  Bear Stearns  deal manager was a SACK OF SHIT.1 Within the walls of its  sparkling new  office tower, Bear Stearns executives knew this  derogatory and  distasteful characterization aptly described the  transaction. Indeed, Bear Stearns had deliberately and secretly altered its policies and neglected its controls to increase the volume of mortgage loans available for its securitizations made in patent disregard for the borrowers ability to repay those loans. After the market collapse exposed its scheme to sell defective loans to investors through these transactions, JP   Morgan executives assumed control over Bear Stearns and implemented an   across-the-board strategy to improperly bar EMC from honoring its   contractual promises to disclose and repurchase defective loans through  a  series of deceptive practices. In what amounts to accounting fraud, JP Morgans bad-faith strategy was   designed to avoid and has avoided recognition of the vast off-balance   sheet exposure relating to its contractual repurchase obligations thereby enabling JPMorgan Chase & Co. to manipulate   its accounting reserves and allowing its senior executives to continue   to reap tens of millions of dollars in compensation following the   taxpayer-financed acquisition of Bear Stearns.

Oh, maybe they did.

At least that's what the lawsuit claims.

It's especially nice when you make crap loans and then short the companies you intentionally lay off the bad paper on, knowing they'll blow up in advance.  And that's alleged too:

24. Knowing that its fraudulent and breaching conduct was resulting and would continue to result in grave harm to Ambac,   Bear Stearns then implemented a trading strategy to profit from Ambacs   potential demise by shorting banks with large exposure to  Ambac-insured  securities. (The shorts were bets the banks shares or holdings would decrease in value as Ambac incurred additional harm.) In late 2007, Bear,   Stearns & Co. Senior Managing Director Jeffrey Verschleiser  boasted  that (a)t the end of October, while presenting to the risk  committee on  our business I told them that a few financial guarantors  were  vulnerable to potential write downs in the CDO and MBS market and  we  should be short a multiple of 10 of the shorts I had put on . . .


In  less than three weeks we made approximately $55 million on just these   two trades.31 Bolstered by this success, Bear Stearns carried this   trading strategy into 2008. On February 17, 2008, a Bear Stearns trader   told colleagues and Verschleiser, I am positive fgic is done and ambac   is not far behind.32


But wait, as Billy Mayes used to say, there's more!

JP Morgan caused EMC to reject legitimate repurchase demands by Ambac, as well as other financial guaranty insurers, to   understate materially the accounting reserves JPMorgan Chase & Co.   was required to accrue and disclose in its financial statements to   reflect the liability inherited from EMC for repurchase obligations   associated with defective loans. JP Morgan thus interfered  with  EMCs contractual obligations to Ambac (and other insurers) to  assist  its parent corporation, JP Morgan Chase, effectuate a  massive  accounting fraud. JP Morgan interfered fraudulently, and  deceptively  represented to Ambac that the rejections of Ambacs  repurchase demands  were based on the reasons set forth in the written  responses to the  demands. In fact, JP Morgan itself had concluded, and  knew that EMC and  Bear Stearns & Co. (prior to JP Morgan taking  control of Bear  Stearns & Co.) previously had concluded, that the  bases for the  repurchase demands for a substantial portion of  challenged loans were  well founded. Indeed, in a number of  instances, EMC had made  repurchase demands on the originators of the  loans for the very same  reason(s) Ambac cited in support of its  repurchase demands to EMC.

But I thought Jamie  Dimon has repeatedly told us that JP  Morgan was a very ethical company,  and never did anything wrong?  Ambac  disagrees.

27.  Moreover, even while refusing to repurchase breaching  loans that Ambac  identified and requested, the same JP Morgan executive  implemented a  policy of demanding that suppliers repurchase from EMC the  same loans,  for the same reasons that Ambac and other financial  guarantors had  requested EMC to repurchase.36 JP Morgan rebuffed Ambacs  repurchase  requests even where Bear Stearns had previously demanded that originators repurchase the exact same loans because   the same or similar defects subsequently identified by Ambac.37 The   duplicitous and deceptive conduct is patent and the motivation clear: JP   Morgan adopted a strategy to deliberately and systematically deny the   financial guarantors legitimate repurchase demands to avoid JPMorgan   Chase & Co. from bringing onto its financial statements the massive   off-balance sheet exposure and, in doing so, effectively engaged in accounting fraud.

You know all those off-balance sheet games that I have been screaming about for four years now?  The same sort of games that took Enron down the toilet, and which you can find in virtually every major financial institution in The United States in one form or another?

Yes, those. 

We still allow this to be done in the United States..... why?

After  conducting the initial review noted above, Ambac  reviewed a random  sample of 1,482 loans, with an aggregate principal  balance of  approximately $88.2 million, selected across all four  Transactions. The  results of that review are remarkable. Of these 1,482  loans, 1,351, or over 91%, breached one or more of the representations and warranties that EMC had made to Ambac.

91%  of the Chocolates in the box are really used  dog food, but nobody has  gone to jail for selling adulterated boxes of  Chocolate.


Full complaint below, and again: Where are the damned handcuffs?

Komplett unter


Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander

In doubt? Look at the actions-WMI becoming def...

28.02.11 23:06

Zitat Large Green:

In doubt? Look at the actions-WMI becoming defensive-EC VERY quiet!

For all of those people who are posting and worried about the EC and Susman, all I can say is look at the actions and then relax. I suggest for those in doubt go back and do more due diligence on Susman and his history at winning-he does not lose. More importantly is HOW Susman’s team wins. He tells you EXACTLY what and how he goes about it in his website and many of those I do not believe but Susman has an incredible record to back up his boasting.

This law firm does incredible due diligence, gathers the facts, lays out his plan and stays out of the limelight to the point of many people wondering if he is actually doing anything. Just remember we have been through all of this before with Susman and when there is a due date for something, he makes his filing which to date has been nothing short of incredible. For those of you who are concerned he is not addressing financials, assets, illegal transfers and more, there are VERY good reasons for it. First of all why would he address it in parts and give his enemy an advantage? We have all seen PJS has been billing for over fourteen months and working on many items. When Susman began, he made it clear he had to concentrate on one item and that was getting the POR denied and he did. He has a filing to make on or before 3/9/2011 and I suggest something very positive happens to equity on or before that date.

Susman’s strategy is of surprise and ambush as I have done my due diligence on he and his firm. I have a large investment in this and I have accumulated at every stage for two and half years and I continue to do so. When the time is right and we are getting VERY close he will unload SOME of his artillery and IMHO that will start on 3/9/2011 with his filing against the Disclosure Statement and AGAIN every long will be impressed. Now as for Susman not addressing these items such as missing assets and more, that will be his TRUMP card, providing he has to use it. Susman/PJS WILL have an itemized list of assets leading up to 9/25/2008 and a list after this date and it will be backed up and signed by PJS depicting everything that WMI should have after 9/25/2008 and it will be EXPLOSIVE! Everybody should be happy Susman has held his TRUMP card because if and when he has to show it, there will be NO DSPUTING it from the criminals. I will go as far as to say Susman will show PART of his hand in chambers before showing the world to give the criminals one last chance and this is when the offer will be made IMHO. Stand down, have some more patience and get ready to celebrate because IT IS COMING!!!


"Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens"
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! RoyalFlasch70

Die Fed Mafia

28.02.11 23:10

Wenn Betrug,lug,Diebstahl im Spiel ist oder Geld mit Krieg ,Nepp ,Abzocke an Börsen und realen Werten im Spiel ist sind Jpm ,Goldman nicht weit die Brut der Fed und Fdic!

Die Sippenmafia seit 1913 auf das es keiner vergesse was hier abgeht unter dem Deckmantel der Verbrecher /Weltdiebe
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Pjöngjang

New Court Documents

28.02.11 23:31
Certification of Counsel Regarding Order Governing the Production and Use of Confidential

Verified Statement of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP Pursuant to Rule 2019 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure

Debtors' Response to the Letter of Joe Schorp Requesting Information Regarding Second and Union LLC
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! alaadin75

hallo in die Runde...

28.02.11 23:35

schade dass es hier den Punkt "gefällt mir" nicht gibt!!!

Wenn bis zum 01.04.2011 der Kurs bei 0,04€ bleibt. werde ich 1Mio. Stück nachkaufen...das hab ich mir versprochen!!

Habe keine einzige wamuq verkauft....warum?-es wird gut enden!!!!

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! RoyalFlasch70

Wie geht der Betrug! Das System

28.02.11 23:47
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! mejulie

vom iHexer ausm aktientempel

01.03.11 00:00



The banks all face a rash of lawsuits regarding the financial crisis and collapse of the housing market, particularly from investors who purchased mortgage-backed securities that later tumbled in value.    

D.h JPMC ist sich wohl der drohenden Niederlage bewusst. Ansonsten würde sie diese Zahlen nicht wie oben in der News erwähnt nicht publik machen ("number it doesn't make public")

Die Frage ist wieviel Prozent der 4,5 Billionen von den Leuten kommen "who purchased mortgage-backed securities". Aber kann da JPMC wirklich so haftbar dafür gemacht werden ?

Die Investition ist für die Mortgage-backed securities Käufer einfach nicht aufgegangen, das tut mir zwar leid für die Investoren die das als vermeindlich sicher ansahen, aber so ist das leider in der Finanzwelt.

Uns wird auch keiner eine Träne nachweinen wenn wir wirklich ausgebucht werden sollten, was ich mir nicht vorstellen kann.

By the way ist der Satz allgemein gehalten. Es wird gesagt "All banks..." Alle Banken haben mit Prozessen zu kämpfen und davon ist ein großteil von Mortgage-backed securites Käufern. Aber JPMC ist nicht "alle", JPMC ist sogar die einzige Bank die den WaMu-Deal abgeschlossen hat.

Evtl. eine gute Nachricht die uns so in etwa angibt mit was wir momentan rechnen können.

Könnte der großteil der 4,5 Billionen USD für unserer WaMu sein?

Würden 4,5 Billionen USD für die Commons reichen ? Wenn ja, mit welchem Wert können wir in etwa rechnen ?
signatur? ne! keine Kaufempfehlung :)
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Mr.Nice


01.03.11 00:12
bei ca. 1,7 mrd wamu shares ... nicht so viel
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Memory193

mejulie - Posting 126567

01.03.11 05:35
....hat das denn überhaupt was mit WAMU/WMI/WMBfsb usw. zu tun..........
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! blackfrog


01.03.11 07:29
Kleine Korrektur meinerseits:

wenn dann sind es 4,5 Milliarden. Die Amis meinen mit billions nicht unsere Billionen.

Es würde für die Commons im normalen Waterfall nicht reichen. Da die Prefs noch etwa 500 Millionen "aus dem Geld sind" würden dann noch etwa 4 Mrd auf diese entfallen. Damit die Commons aber etwas abbekommen sind weitere 3,5 Mrd notwendig. Das Equity wäre damit aber in einer besseren Situation, da alles was im Wasserfall davor liegt bedient wäre und nix mehr zu melden hat. Was dann weitere Kompetenzen, auch bezüglich des BODs angeht können dies hier andere besser erläutern.
Möge der große Frosch mit Euch sein!
Ceterum censeo Pfandi et Delfi ex turmae expellendos esse!!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Pjöngjang

New Court Document

01.03.11 07:35
Twenty-Eighth Monthly Application of Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A. for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and for Reimbursement of Expenses as Counsel to the Debtors and Debtors-in-Possession for the Period from January 1, 2011 to January 31, 2011
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! hardy14

mejulie: vom iHexer ausm aktientempel

01.03.11 08:21
ich persönlich glaube, daß dies mit WAMU nicht unbedingt etwas zu tun hat:,sektion,unternehmen.html
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! buddikatze

Morgen liebe Wamuraner

01.03.11 08:31
Jetzt dümpeln wir schon seid Wochen bei diesen Kursen und es ist noch nicht mal Land in Sicht.Wann begreift die Richterin endlich mal ,dass es so nicht weiter gehen kann.Diese ganze verschieberei geht mir richtig auf die Nüsse.Es ist mir auch völlig egal ,ob wir nun 1 Euro oder 10 Euro pro Share bekommen ,hauptsache das Drama findet bald ein Ende.Wenn ich mir die letzten Monate so anschaue ,haben ja einige sich so viel Mühe gemacht Fakten auszuarbeiten und zu analysieren ,aber nichts von alledem ist tatsächlich passiert.Wir werden hier noch in 10 Jahren sitzen ,wenn nicht mal ein Wunder geschieht.Ich hätte mein Geld  doch lieber verbrennen sollen ,dann wäre es wenigstens warm in der Bude.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! rezo25

Moin Leute..

01.03.11 09:22
alles Grün ausser unser Baby
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Kesi231

Moin zusammen

01.03.11 09:24

hier wieder ein Brief eines Ihub - lers an Mary.


This letter was mailed earlier today. Formatting is messed up here but looks right on paper.
Dear Honorable Judge Mary Walrath:  
I am a stockholder in Washington Mutual Incorporated and have a concern that I wanted to bring to the courts attention.
 I have no legal background which may explain why I am confused. defines the word fair as “free from bias, dishonesty, or  injustice: a fair decision; a fair judge. “ and the word reasonable is  defined as “agreeable to reason  or sound judgment; logical: a  reasonable choice for chairman. “  
Previously as I understand  it you made a statement based on the information that you had that the  GSA met the requirements that it was fair and reasonable. I humbly ask  that you reconsider that decision based on the information in Docket  #6805 filed 2/25/2001 by the Debtors Washington Mutual INC. Specify item  18 on page 8 where it is admitted that “18. EY LLP's services are  necessary and will substantially enhance the Debtors' efforts to comply  with governing accounting and reporting requirements. During the course of their chapter 11 cases, the Debtors did not employ or retain any accounting or auditing firms.”  (bolding and underlining mine)
 If there has been no auditing done how can any of the statements made  regarding the value of the estate bee accurate? It is extremely possible  that  with a full and complete valuation performed the facts could show  that the estate’s assets are greater than our liabilities and  that a  graceful exit from bankruptcy  can be made without  causing any class of  shareholder to cancelled.  
I would appreciate it if the  court put any further discussion of restructuring the company, sale of  the assets or any other action that could impair equity until EY is able  to do a full and complete audit of WMI and their subsidiaries and a  list is provided of what JP Morgan Chase obtained in their purchase  offer. I believe that would be fair and reasonable to both estate  creditors and equity.

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! and1loveit

Termine März 2011

01.03.11 09:26

lt. WMI-Kalender @

01.03: Deadline for amending DimeQ pleadings

09.03: Proposed: objections due to Supplemental Disclosure Statement, 4:00 p.m Omnibus hearing, 9:30 AM (Del). On the agenda: - Reconsideration of the Opinion DENYING Confirmation of Sixth Amended Plan of Reorganization (Sydney Prevor; #6558)

11.03: Changed to March 9 {Omnibus hearing, 11:30 AM (Del)}

16.03: Proposed: general record date for voting on amended POR

18.03: Deadline for discovery requests and request for production of documents regarding DimeQ

21.03: Proposed: Hearing on supplemental Disclosure Statement, 10:30 AM (Del).

25.03: Proposed: approx. solicitation date for amended POR



Wamu WKN 893906 News ! paketix

alles grün ausser unser baby...

01.03.11 09:56
na DAS ist mal wieder ne aussage
WAMUUUUH braucht geduld leute - und es ist *nicht* alles grün heute
das ist es an *keinem* börsentag
so looong

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