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Wamu WKN 893906 News !

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Wamu WKN 893906 News ! St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat

Wie gesagt: Ich roll mich ab vor Lachen!

28.10.11 17:57
(Siehe auch von mir)

Das müssen alles Kommunisten sein:
Sie fordern oder tolerieren wörtlich die "UMVERTEILUNG VON OBEN NACH UNTEN" und eine Menge mehr!

T. Waigel,P. Rösler,D. Müller,F. Hörmann,A. Neukirch,C. Gelleri,G. Hörmann
Theo Waigel (Ex-Bundesfinanzminister, CSU)
Er gilt als "Vater des Euro": Als Finanzminister im Kohl-Kabinett unterzeichnete Theo Waigel 1992 den Maastrichter Vertrag über die Währungsunion und vertrat die strikte Einhaltung von Stabilitätskriterien – eine Haftung für die Schulden anderer Staaten war ausgeschlossen. Heute, zwei Jahrzehnte später, bewilligen Europas Regierungschefs immer neue Rekordsummen, um den Euro zu retten. Ist das Finanzsystem außer Kontrolle geraten?

Philipp Rösler (FDP-Vorsitzender und Bundeswirtschaftsminister)
Findet die Koalition einen Weg aus dem Chaos? Als einer der ersten im Kabinett von Angela Merkel dachte FDP-Chef und Bundeswirtschaftsminister Philipp Rösler laut über eine Insolvenz Griechenlands nach – und erntete dafür scharfe Kritik nicht nur von Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU). Die FDP-Spitze unterstützt die neuen Euro-Rettungspläne – doch an der Parteibasis kämpft Rösler um Zustimmung. Voraussichtlich noch in diesem Jahr wird es einen Mitgliederentscheid geben, der die Koalition kippen kann: Soll es weitere Hilfsmaßnahmen für verschuldete Staaten geben?

Dirk Müller (Börsenexperte)

Er gilt als Deutschlands bekanntester Börsenexperte: Für Dirk Müller ist die Euro-Rettung eher eine Banken-Rettung, die den Steuerzahler womöglich teuer zu stehen kommt. Der frühere Börsenmakler erwartet das Ende des bestehenden Finanzsystems mit gravierenden Folgen für alle Bürger. Was müssen Sparer jetzt beachten? Welche Anlagen lohnen sich noch? Und was wird aus Lebens- und Rentenversicherungen von Millionen Deutschen?

Außerdem sind zu Gast:
Prof. Franz Hörmann, Professor für Revisions-, Treuhand- und Rechnungswesen an der Universität Wien
Andreas Neukirch, Vorstand GLS-Bank
Christian Gelleri, Geschäftsführer "Regios eG" und ehem. Wirtschaftslehrer
Dr. Günter Hörmann, Geschäftsführer Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg

Und hier ist das Video:
Ihr traut Euren Augen und Ohren nicht: Alles Kommunisten!

Herzliche Grüsse vom Mit-"Kommuniisten" St. JCF!

Ich denke gerne das Undenkbare
Meine Meinung. Keine Handelsempfehlung

Suchmaschinen ohne google-Kontrolle,,,,,,,!


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Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Peter Lustig
Peter Lustig:

raus aus dem Euro!!

28.10.11 18:09
Wir zahlen und alle sind gegen uns......

Griechische Demonstranten stören Militärparaden
28.10.11 17:48

ATHEN (dpa-AFX) - In Griechenland haben wieder Tausende gegen die neuesten
Sparmaßnahmen der Regierung protestiert. Die Demonstranten störten am Freitag
die alljährlichen Militärparaden zum Jahrestag des Eintritts des Landes in den
Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die Wut der Demonstranten richtet sich auch gegen
Deutschland und Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Eine Parade in der Stadt Thessaloniki wurde von der Polizei unterbrochen,
nachdem eine Gruppe von Demonstranten die Paradestrecke besetzte.

Demonstranten, unter denen sich auch Anarchisten und Neonazis befanden,
verbrannten deutsche Fahnen und riefen Naziparolen.

Der griechische Präsident
Karolos Papoulias und andere anwesende Politiker verließen wegen der Proteste
die Veranstaltung. Die Proteste seien 'beschämend', sagte Papoulias gegenüber

Veranstaltungen in der Hauptstadt Athen, auf Kreta, Rhodos und Korfu wurden
ebenfalls gestört. Auch manche Teilnehmer der Parade in Athen äußerten ihren
Missmut: Sie wandten sich beim Vorbeimarschieren demonstrativ von den
anwesenden Politikern ab. Noch deutlicher wurden die Demonstranten. Sie
bewarfen Politiker mit Eiern und schwenkten Plakate, die Merkel mit Adolf
Hitler verglichen. Die deutsche Kanzlerin wird für die neuesten Sparmaßnahmen
mitverantwortlich gemacht.
Die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Eurozone hatten sich in dieser Woche
auf Maßnahmen zur Abwehr der Euro-Schuldenkrise geeinigt. Das Hilfspaket für
Griechenland beinhaltet unter anderem einen Schuldenschnitt und eine Hebelung
des Rettungsfonds EFSF. Der griechischen Bevölkerung drohen weitere finanzielle
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! AnhHamburg


28.10.11 18:49
auf einmal kamen die umsätze  her? neuigkeiten?
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! pepiat16


28.10.11 18:50

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! holzauge999


28.10.11 19:07
Das war schon immer so !!

Gruss Holzi
Neues Motto: Weg vom Öl das ist Zukunft !!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! odin10de

Neue Doc´s

28.10.11 19:38
8920   Notice of Docketing re: Notice of Appeal of Normandy Hill Capital LP

          §8921   Notice of Docketing re: Notice of Appeal of WMB Noteholders, et al.

8922   Notice of Docketing re: Notice of Cross-Appeal of the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Feldberg58

aus Ihub

28.10.11 19:57
Yep, "law of the case"

Excellent work JMW! You got them.

JPM/FDIC's $54B claim is now judged ‘the law of the case’.

No retracting the fraudulent claim now JPM/FDIC. It’s in!

What is the penalty for filing a fraudulent claim in BK?

Yes, "Law of the Case"


I’m loving it.

Now JPM/FDIC needs to pull-out of the GSA to remove their fraudulent $54B claim, or face the penalties for the false claims. Law of the Case, and the $54B is now longer a bluff claim anymore because the Judge used the $54B claim in a determination of the GSA.

JMW just killed the GSA, and roped the dopes to S with EC and others.

Loving it.

The $54B claim has not been ‘vetted’ by the Debtor’s consul [in COI] as a valid claim and recognized by the Court because the Debtors consul is the legal represent of the Estate and responsible to vet the claims for the estate. Debtor’s consul then settled monetary value in the GSA based on this fraudulent claim.

The $54B claim is locked-in, and can only be removed by disbanding the GSA.


What is the penalty for filing a fraudulent claim in BK?
What is the penalty for Debtor’s consul for not properly vetting a fraudulent claim in BK?

Thank you JMW for killing the GSA.

Super Double Check-mate!!;frt=3#869658

I told you guys, this Judge knows exactly what she is doing and whom she is doing it to.. If you want to make a fraudulent claim in a BK, then you had better be willing to back it up with real data. Keep in mind JPM did the same thing in Lehman and just got called out for it.
They are locked into this GSA now, unless they want to withdraw because they are worried about the "far reaching" effects of filing these unliquidated/fraudulent claims. ~Don~
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! odin10de

Hat denn Weil&Gotshal da Dreck am Stecken ????

28.10.11 20:02


U.S. Firms Involved in Olympus Deal

Lawyers Weil Gotshal, Merger Boutique Perella Weinberg Advised on U.K. Purchase



LONDON—A deal at the heart of a controversy  engulfing Japanese camera maker Olympus Corp. also involves two U.S.  firms that are highly regarded on Wall Street.

Law firm Weil  Gotshal & Manges LLP and merger boutique Perella Weinberg Partners  LP, both based in New York, advised Olympus on its February 2008  acquisition of British medical-device maker Gyrus Group PLC. The deal  had been largely forgotten until it emerged this month that Olympus paid  $687 million to other advisers on the $1.92 billion acquisition.

Olympus Chief Executive Michael Woodford, who left the company this month, said he was fired after raising ...





Wenn schon eingestellt, dann löschen




Wamu WKN 893906 News ! 4Blatt

aus dem ihub

28.10.11 20:49

So what, the FDIC breaks a few laws too...

Here we find that the FDIC seized TWO WMI subsidiary Banks and pretended that they were one.

Now the hot question: Was Washington Mutual Bank, FSB, Park City, UT (FDIC 33891) a subsidiary of Washington Mutual Bank, Henderson, NV( FDIC 32633)


Was Washington Mutual Bank, FSB, Park City, UT (FDIC 33891) a subsidiary of Washington Mutual Inc. currently in bankruptcy.

Hmmmmm.....If WAMU,FSB was really a subsidiary of WMB, then why two separate listings as though they were individual disconnected subsidiaries.

Bank Acquisition Information Question and Answer Guide for Washington Mutual Bank, Henderson, NV and Washington Mutual Bank, FSB, Park City, UT

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Abendgelb


28.10.11 23:03
haben von den banken sehr viele dreck am stecken, und innerhalb der eu hat der staat die hälfte des drecks mit aplaus gekauft. mahlzeit.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! oheim

@all ot

28.10.11 23:13
und mit den Bilanzen haben es die Experten auch nicht.
Erst Goldmann in Griechenland, jetzt Anfang Oktober die amerikan. Banken
und jetzt auch in Deutscheland.

diese selbsternannten Experten sollten ihre Boni zurüch zahlen, rückwirkend die letzten 10 Jahre.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! paradax

oheim @Habe das gefühl

29.10.11 00:40
wir werden nur noch von Sonderschüler regiert.
Da verrechnet man sich schon mal um ein paar Milliarden ist ja nicht schlimm.
Es gibt auch Politiker die nicht wissen was sie tun beim abstimmen des Rettungsschirm.
Mit wieviel haftet Deutschland ? millionen, milliarden, billionen?
Viele wissen es nicht, traurig aber wahr.
Den sie wissen nicht was sie tun !
Schönes wochenend.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Paulinsche

Rechenfehler bei HRE bringt xxMRD

29.10.11 01:05
und wann entdecken in USA mal die vielen Rechenfehler die beim WamU Raub gemacht wurden:
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat

Von Don aus Y: Das sieht spannend aus:

29.10.11 01:55

Ist da was dran? Die Diskussion auf Y ist da noch nicht sehr erhellend.

Gruss, St. JCF
Ich denke gerne das Undenkbare
Meine Meinung. Keine Handelsempfehlung

Suchmaschinen ohne google-Kontrolle,,,,,,,!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Goldesel2010

gute frage.

29.10.11 01:58
Steige da auch noch nicht durch...
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! odin10de

Neue Doc´s

29.10.11 05:09
8923   Change of Address for James Lee

          §8924   Change of Address for John Falciano

8925   Objection of David Shutvet to the Monthly Fee and Service Report of Alvarez & Marsal as Restructuring Advisors for the Debtors in Possession for Allowance of Compensation for the Period from September 1, 2011 Through September 30, 2011 for Services Rendered
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! odin10de

Hagens Berman Investigates Washington Mutual Mortg

29.10.11 06:14
Hagens Berman Investigates Washington Mutual Mortgage-Backed Securities Not Covered by Class Certification


PR Newswire · Mehr Nachrichten von PR Newswire
Hagens Berman Investigates Washington Mutual Mortgage-Backed Securities Not Covered by Class Certification

BERKELEY, Calif., Oct. 28, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP today announced that it is investigating bringing lawsuits on behalf of investors in Washington Mutual's (OTC: WAMUQ) ("WaMu") mortgage-backed securities ("MBS") after a federal judge refused to certify a class representing all tranches of the following certificates: 2006 AR-7, 2006 AR-12, 2006 AR-16, 2006 AR-17, 2006 AR-18, 2007-HYI.

The case, filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington in Seattle, alleged that WaMu misled investors regarding the quality of the loans underlying the MBS.

Judge Marsha J. Pechman certified the class-action lawsuit on October 21, 2011, ruling that plaintiffs representing 13 tranches of MBS could pursue their case against the former banking giant.

However, the judge did not certify an additional 110 other tranches of MBS because the plaintiffs in the case did not purchase those tranches.

Hagens Berman is investigating this issue further and is willing to speak with investors who purchased the additional tranches of MBS the lawsuit had identified, including the following WaMu Mortgage Pass-through certificates:

   2006 AR-7 other than tranche 1A
   2006 AR-12 other than tranche 1A1
   2006 AR-16 tranches 2A1, LB1, LB2, LB3, 3B1, 3B2, and 3B3
   2006 AR-17 other than tranche 1A
   2006 AR-18 other than tranche 2A1
   2007-HYI tranches other than 1A1 and 3A3

The firm is investigating whether individuals who purchased these MBS may have a legal claim if brought separately in a new lawsuit.

Investors and others who purchased these MBS are encouraged to contact partner Reed R. Kathrein, who is leading the firm's investigation. Mr. Kathrein can be reached at (510) 725-3000 or via email at Investors can also learn more about this investigation at

Persons with knowledge that may help the investigation are encouraged to contact the firm. The SEC recently finalized new rules as part of its implementation of the whistleblower provisions in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Bill. The new rules protect whistleblowers from employer retaliation and allow the SEC to reward those who provide information leading to a successful enforcement with up to 30 percent of the recovery.

About Hagens Berman

Seattle-based Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP is an investor-rights class-action law firm with offices in ten cities. Founded in 1993, the firm's mission is to represent plaintiffs in class actions and multi-party, large-scale litigation that has the potential to protect the rights of investors, consumers, workers and the environment. The National Law Journal has rated Hagens Berman as one of the top plaintiffs' firms in the country four out of the last five years. More information about the firm is available at, and the firm's securities law blog is at

Media Contact: Mark Firmani, Firmani + Associates Inc., 206.443.9357 or

SOURCEHagens Berman
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat

"Hagen Berman": Wird hier eine neue künstliche ...

29.10.11 07:25
Ich denke gerne das Undenkbare
Meine Meinung. Keine Handelsempfehlung

Suchmaschinen ohne google-Kontrolle,,,,,,,!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Schnurrstracks

Ist das der TPG-Vertrag?

29.10.11 09:40
Item 1.01  Entry into Material Definitive Agreement  

Washington Mutual, Inc. (the “ Company ”) entered into an Investment Agreement, dated as of April 7, 2008 (the “ Investment Agreement ”) with investment vehicles managed by TPG Capital (“ TPG ”), and Purchase Agreements also dated as of April 7, 2008 (the “ Purchase Agreements ”) with qualified institutional buyers and institutional accredited investors (collectively with TPG, the “ Investors ”), pursuant to which the Company raised in the aggregate approximately $7 billion through direct sales to such investors of equity securities of the Company (the “ Capital Investment ”).  TPG served as the anchor investor, and the investment includes several of the Company’s largest institutional shareholders.  

Under the terms of the Investment Agreement, TPG agreed to purchase 822,857 shares of the Company’s common stock at a purchase price of $8.75 per share and 19,928 shares of a newly authorized series of the Company’s convertible preferred stock, designated as Series T Contingent Convertible Perpetual Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock (the “ Series T Preferred Stock ”) at a purchase price and liquidation preference of $100,000 per share.  After the receipt of certain approvals, as described in more detail below, the Series T Preferred Stock will automatically convert into the Company’s common stock at an initial conversion price of $8.75 per share of common stock, subject to adjustment. As part of the Investment Agreement, one of the TPG vehicles has the right to nominate one director, and one board observer, to the Company’s board of directors. Subject to certain exceptions, none of the securities sold to TPG under the Investment Agreement may be transferred for a period of 18 months after closing, with a proportional release from the transfer restrictions over the following 18 months after closing.

In connection with its investment, TPG will receive warrants which, upon obtaining certain approvals, including shareholder approval, will become exercisable to purchase 57,142,857 shares of the Company’s common stock at a purchase price equal to the lower of (i) 115% of the average closing price of the Company’s common stock for the five trading-day period following the public announcement of the Company’s results for the first quarter of 2008, and (ii) $10.06.  The warrant exercise price will be reduced by $0.50 on each six-month anniversary of the issue date of the warrants subject to a maximum reduction of $2.00, if certain shareholder or other approvals relating to the exercise of the warrants are not obtained.  The term of the warrants is five years. At any time before the receipt of the approvals necessary to exercise the warrants, the warrants can be exchanged for Series T Preferred Stock.  

Under the terms of the Purchase Agreements, the Investors (other than TPG) purchased, in the aggregate, 175,514,285 shares of the Company’s common stock at a purchase price of $8.75 per share and 36,642 shares of a newly authorized series of the Company’s convertible preferred stock, designated as Series S Contingent Convertible Perpetual Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock (the “ Series S Preferred Stock ” and together with the Series T Preferred Stock, the “ Preferred Stock ”) at a purchase price of $100,000 per share. In addition, the Company will also grant certain Investors (other than TPG) who have agreed to transfer restrictions on their shares, warrants to purchase 11,159,820 shares of the Company’s common stock in the aggregate.  The warrants are on substantially the same terms as the warrants granted to TPG, except that the warrants granted to such non-TPG Investors will be exchangeable for shares of Series S Preferred Stock.   Assuming conversion of the Preferred Stock and exercise of the warrants purchased in connection with the Capital Investment, approximately 100,000,000 shares of the Company’s common stock will be subject to nine-month transfer restrictions, not including all of TPG’s shares, which will be subject to the 18-month transfer restrictions described above.  The material terms of the Purchase Agreements entered into by the Investors other than TPG are substantially similar to the Investment Agreement entered into by TPG, except that the Purchase Agreements do not contain the director nomination and observer rights granted to TPG and, as indicated above, certain of the Purchase Agreements contain transfer restrictions for the nine-month period following the closing.

In the event that, within eighteen months of the closing of the transactions under the Investment Agreement, the Company (i) sells more than $500 million of common stock or other equity-linked securities at a price less than $8.75, or (ii) the Company engages in a change of control transaction wherein the implied value of the Company’s common stock is less than $8.75, upon the occurrence of each such event the Company is required to pay to those Investors whose shares are subject to transfer restrictions an amount sufficient to compensate them for the dilution suffered by them as a result of the above-described actions of the Company.  

This description of the Investment Agreement is a summary and does not purport to be complete description of all of the terms of such agreement, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Investment Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit 10.1.    

Terms of the Preferred Stock

The rights, preferences and privileges of the Preferred Stock are set forth in the Articles of Amendment of the Company filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Washington.  

The Series T Preferred Stock is mandatorily convertible into shares of common stock on the final day of any calendar quarter in which the Company and/or the holders of Preferred Stock receive the following approvals: (i) the approval by the holders of the Company’s common stock of (A) the conversion of the Preferred Stock into common stock as required by the applicable NYSE rules, and (B) amendment to the Company’s Restated and Amended Articles of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock to permit the full conversion of the Preferred Stock into common stock, and (ii) the expiration or termination of any waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 or the competition or merger control laws of other jurisdictions. The Series S Preferred Stock is mandatorily convertible upon receipt of the shareholder approvals described above. The Preferred Stock is initially convertible to shares of common stock at a rate of $8.75 per share of common stock; provided, however , such conversion price shall be reduced by $0.50, subject to a maximum reduction of $2.00, on each six-month anniversary of the original issue date if the shareholder approval described above has not been obtained.

Dividends on the Preferred Stock are payable, on a non-cumulative basis, as and if declared by the Company’s board of directors, in cash, on an as-converted basis.  If the Preferred Stock has not been converted into shares of common stock by June 30, 2008, dividends will be payable commencing with the dividend payment date on September 15, 2008 at a rate of 14% of the liquidation preference of the Preferred Stock and this rate will further increase to 15.5% of the liquidation preference commencing with the dividend payment date on March 15, 2009 and to 17% of the liquidation preference commencing with the dividend payment date on September 15, 2009. However, dividends on the Preferred Stock will always be paid at the higher of the amount payable in accordance with the applicable percentage rate described above and the dividend payable on an as-converted basis. The Company is prohibited from paying any dividend with respect to shares of common stock unless full dividends are paid on the Preferred Stock.  The Company is also prohibited from repurchasing or redeeming shares of its common stock or other junior securities, subject to certain exceptions, while any shares of Preferred Stock are outstanding.

The Preferred Stock is neither redeemable by the Company nor by the holders. Holders of the Preferred Stock do not have any voting rights, including the right to elect any directors, other than limited voting rights with respect to matters affecting the rights and privileges of the Preferred Stock.  

This description of the terms of the Preferred Stock is a summary and does not purport to be a complete description of all of the terms, and it is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Articles of Amendment attached hereto as Exhibit 4.1.  Also see Item 5.03 below.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! pyramid

übersetzung #166460

29.10.11 10:12


"Jepp, "Gesetz des Falles"

Exzellente Arbeit JMW! Du hast sie.

JPM/FDIC´s 54Mrd $ ist nun als "Gesetz des Falles" geurteilt.

Kein Zurückziehen der betrügerischen Forderung mehr möglich JPM/FDIC. Es ist drin!

Welche Strafe gibt´s für das Einreichen einer betrügerischen Forderung im Konkurs?

Ja, "Gesetz des Falles"

"Die Trottel hängen am Seil"

Ich liebe es.

Nun müssten JPM/FDIC sich aus dem GSA zurückziehen um ihre betrügerische Forderung rücknehmen zu können oder die Strafe für die falsche Forderung antreten.
Gesetz des Falles und die 54 Mrd $ ist nun keine gebluffte Forderung mehr,da die Richterin die 54Mrd $ Forderung in einer Festlegung im GSA nutzte.

JMW hat damit das GSA abgesägt und die Trottel für Susman, das EC und andere ans Seil gehängt.

Liebe es.

Die 54Mrd $ Forderung wurde nicht vom Schuldnerkonsul als rechtskräftige Forderung bewertet und vom Gericht anerkannt, obwohl der Schuldnerkonsul die juristische Vertretung des Estates ist und für die Bewertung der Forderungen für das Estate verantwortlich ist. Der Schuldnerkonsul hätte dann, basierend auf dem GSA, diese betrügerischen Forderung mit einem monetären Preis abgegolten.

Die 54 mrd $ Forderung ist jetzt DRIN und kann nur durch Auflösen des GSA zurückgezogen werden.


Was ist die Strafe für das Einreichen einer betrügerischen Forderung im Konkurs?

Was ist die Strafe für den Schuldnerkonsul für das unsachgemäße Bewerten einer betrügerischen Forderung in einem Konkurs?

Danke JMW, für´s Töten des GSA.

Super Doppel Schach Matt!!

den rest von fsshon´s post spare ich mir. er pflichtet nur bei und hat´s sowieso schon immer gewußt...

(nebenbei, falls ich im W:O wieder zitiert werde - dann nur als urheber der übersetzung bitte. danke.)

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! spect

Hagens Berman Investigates Washington Mutual Mortg

29.10.11 10:13
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! The_Hope


29.10.11 10:39
Das nennt man Zwickmühle :-)

Gesetz den Fall, die Dreckbande findet nicht noch einen Dreh daraus

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! pyramid


29.10.11 10:47
definitiv interessante situation, auf deren entwicklung ich gespannt bin.

und vor aufregung habe ich auch schon wieder ariva kaputt gemacht, sehe ich gerade...
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Exziton

@ pyramid

29.10.11 10:50
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! The_Hope

nicht einfach

29.10.11 10:58;frt=3#869658

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