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Wamu WKN 893906 News !

Beiträge: 198.956
Zugriffe: 20.681.128 / Heute: 5.741
Mr. Cooper Group. 76,06 $ +0,46% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +219,47%
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! deutsche_bank24

Guten Morgen

30.12.11 09:04
Bin mich hier am rein lesen, aber das ist richtig Arbeit.
Könnte man für das Forum kein Schreibverbot für User ab 5 Tannenzäpfle einführen?! ;-)


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Wamu WKN 893906 News ! j.w.

@ All

30.12.11 09:24
wünsche allen hier für Morgen einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr.
Feiert anständig und genehmigt euch mal einen.
Die Mehrheit von uns hat bis hier durchgehalten.......dann schaffen wir den Rest auch noch. Ich weiß das sind Stammtischparolen, aber leider ist es nun mal so. Lasst die Köpfe nicht hängen..........wir sehen/hören/lesen uns im nächsten Jahr wieder.
Und noch was Gesundheit ist das aller Wichtigste, siehe Union.
Lasst es euch gut gehen.


Manchmal ist das hier nur mit ein paar Zäpfle zu ertragen. Wenn wir gerade dabei sind

@ noenough
Wenn du noch mitliest, wir hoffen mal wieder auf ein lebenszeichen von dir.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander

Nachtrag zu #175600

30.12.11 09:27

Zitat es1:
LG correct me if I am wrong but didnt she say BY tuesday?

I am guessing that it will be AH on friday to give the market time to digest the opinion. My main reason to think that is I can nt see her having no opinion today and having one tuesday. I think she has it done but does not want to release it to an open market
Zitat Large Green:
Es, yes you are correct she did say "by" Tuesday and she also said she would not have it tomorrow but did not quantify if she met tomorrow period or tomorrow meaning not during normal business hours which would be considered 9:00 to 5:30 eastern time.
Zitat wamuvoodoo:
large the way i see and hear it ,is dime and tps are sheet out of luck..they will get nothing ,from hearing walraths tone today she in no way in hell is gonna jeopardize this final deal..she seemed to relaxed and joyish .she wants this over and done with ,her main goal was to get the ec happy ,and the ec is happy,from what we over ...

Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander

What is to stop dimeq from going after IT? ...

30.12.11 09:33

ZItat MrchntDeth:
"What is to stop dimeq from going after IT? I don't remember the dimeq securities being involved (traded) in the IT allegations. No harm, no damages. No claim."

Oh, but they most certainly WERE harmed by the Insider Trading SETTLEMENT Note Holder Funds (the very same SNH's that JMW found had "colorable claims" against them - the "colorable claims" that everybody is all of a sudden pretty cool with just "pretending" didn't really happen, and even if they "my have" happened, they were pretty good for the Estate (see e.g., the GSA that they "helped craft" or perhaps "concoct"). It's all good.

Remember how these CRIMINALS (or, as one of the lawyers referred to his OWN client, "OWL CROOK" - who on earth would refer to his client Owl Creek as Owl CROOK, unless the attorney made one Hell of a Freudian Slip"), conspired with WMI A&M and JPMC to GIVE/GIFT away the Anchor Savings goodwill litigation to JPMC, free and clear of ANY/ALL Dime Ltw LIABILITIES, by way of the §363 sale of Anchor to JPMC?

Umm, you might be technically correct that the SNH's and JPMC (and WMI and WM&G and A&M), didn't commit IT against Dime Ltw Holders, but they MOST CERTAINLY conspired to cheat/steal from the Dime Ltw's that to which they were entitled to.

And if I recall January 7, 2011 Opinion regarding the Estimation Hearing (setting aside or "ring-fencing $337 Million Dollars for the Ltw's), neither A&M, nor the BOD's nor a number ofother parties are protected/indemified by ANY releases. They are fully exposed to any appeals that Steinberg WILL prosecute (if JMW rules for any Class other than Class 12, and they ARE on the hook for their THEFT of this asset, and for their self-dealing.

I could go on and on, but the history here has been pretty well documnted.

We'll see what direction this little dog and pony show takes come Tuesday.


ZItat fsshon:
Folks this is a very "on point" statement, so true and to the facts. I have a feeling THJMW will no choice, but to rule DIMEQ debt in Class 12 or she is going to open a big case of Litigation Morass, that is going to go much deeper than she or this court wants it to.

She gave equity the IT, the gifting of Anchor to JPMC in the GSA is illegal on its face, the debtor can not hide behind a BK shield in the gifting and in front of it for claims against Dime, it doesn't work..

Just like she has ruled the American Litigation proceeds is to go into the Liquidation Trust, she has to rule the Liquidation Trust has to pay out the DIME proceeds or she will endanger the NOL's, further dilute the commons, start lawsuit appeals that will use "exigent circumstances" to stop confirmation so Art Steinberg can call in some favors and be heard. This guy was not born yesterday and he has shown this judge what he can do and what he knows. He knows his client has legitimate claim that is not equity. If they are equity, then they should basically be put in a class above all equity classes and be paid off before any common shares are issued to "old stock" In His Opinion not mine!

Dimeq has to be settled before the DS, because we can not legitimately have a vote without knowing which direction we are going and the fact that the debtors did not follow the Judge's recommendation and "ring fence" the 337M is cause for concern to this court..


Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! al56hg


30.12.11 10:07
für alle hier und überall, ohne Gesundheit ist alles nichts, auch WaMu nicht........
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! socke7


30.12.11 10:41
Hier ist nichts mehr zu holen. Bei Tria ..........
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! paketix

kurz vor den feiertagen und minimaler umsatz

30.12.11 10:41
ideal um den kurs noch etwas nach unten zu korrigieren
...meine ich
so looong *klonk* ... und allen frohe feiertage und einen 'guten rutsch' ins 2012
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander

Thanks for stepping out on the DIMEQ thing, ...

30.12.11 10:47

Zitat Bizreader:

Thanks for stepping out on the DIMEQ thing, Voo.

The more I begin to understand about DIMEQ's claim the more I realize that, no matter what the moral or ethical reality is, their claim can only really be considered debt in that WMI may be responsible but isn't necessarily responsible for that payment, since their claims were jeopardized by WMI being forced into BK protection by the seizure.

I'm no lawyer, obviously.

TPS is another thing completely, but old "debts" or claims against the estate such as DIMEQs' chould disappear as easily as the many assets that were sold quietly under the radar, unless of course someone on the debtor's side wanted to keep them around for another reason.

I hope THJMW sees through all this hype and drops the gavel in favor of fair distribution for current debts and equity. I don't own any DIMEQ. It's very old business at this point!
Zitat MrchntDeth:
"Thanks for stepping out on the DIMEQ thing, Voo.

The more I begin to understand about DIMEQ's claim the more I realize that, no matter what the moral or ethical reality is, their claim can only really be considered debt in that WMI may be responsible but isn't necessarily responsible for that payment, since their claims were jeopardized by WMI being forced into BK protection by the seizure . . . I'm no lawyer, obviously. (emphasis added)

"TPS is another thing completely, but old "debts" or claims against the estate such as DIMEQs' chould [sic] disappear as easily as the many assets that were sold quietly under the radar, unless of course someone on the debtor's side wanted to keep them around for another reason. (emphasis added)

I hope THJMW sees through all this hype and drops the gavel in favor of fair distribution for current debts and equity. (emphasis added) I don't own any DIMEQ. It's very old business at this point!"

As to your point (re: "fair distribution,") I chouldn't [sic] agree with you more. A "fair distribution" is all that the Dime Ltw's have been asking for since being dragged into this BK.

Forget that you're not a lawyer for just a moment, but . . .

If THIS debt is just "magically" wiped away because of Bankruptcy, as if through some special wizard powers, why is it that ALL THE OTHER DEBTS in this Fuster-Cluck (e.g., Tax Liens, Sr. Debt, Sr. Sub. Debt, CCB's, PIERS, hell, even the illegal WMB gifting payoffs), don't just get swept under the rug as well? I guess that those particular debts are the types that DON'T get "jeopardized" by WMI being forced into BK protection?

And why does Class 19 and Class 21 Equity land a spot at the table? Ignore for a moment the hush money being gifted to certain people/groups in order to buy some peace (and silence) regarding this little thing that the federal government tends to frown on, called "Insider Trading." Certain of the SNH lawyers so much as admitted in open court that "everybody was doing it." And I'm sure that there are many other hedge funds that will also slide, but at least M.W. Judas got his [high-paying] seat on the new board(s) post-BK, in exchange for his $200K "investment" in his 1 million shares of toilet paper. And the SNH's can live to steal blndly yet another day, in another court room, from a bunch of [soon to be] former owners of their company.

There must be something really, very special about Dime (i.e., Anchor), debt/liabilities that makes them so easily "zappable."

Well, that, plus it's only because the debtor side wants to keep all the other debts around for a "special reason." They don't really want to "jeopardize" all the other "good" debts.

Just a thought, but maybe that's why Class 12 Claims fall under the category of "General Unsecured Claims." And maybe that's exactly where the law intends that a debt of this type be placed - in Class 12.

And that's kinda sorta why JMW set aside (or "ring-fenced") $337 million dollars to compensate the Dime Ltw's for having had the Anchor ASSETS stolen, ripped-off, gifted away from them, and gifted to JPMC, separating the Anchor ASSETS from the corresponding Dime Ltw LIABILITIES (at the special behest of JPMC with their little request to cleanse away the Ltw LIABILITIES from the Anchor goodwill litigation ASSETS, by way of the now infamous §363 K-Mart BLUE-LIGHT SPECIAL type sale). And oh yeah, lest we forget, the SNH concocted this little deal, deliberately left the Dime Ltw's OUT of the negotiations, got to benefit THEIR OWN financial positions through a little bit of self-dealing, and never even bothered to ask Steinberg if he minded that his clients were getting RAPED, blindly getting eff'd in the A., and seeing if Art would just lay low on this one, be cool with it, do the SNH's a solid. Why bother, right? After all, it is much better to ask for forgiveness (if you get caught) than it is to ask for permission (in which case you get DENIED).

And maybe that's why JMW DENIED WMI's Motion for Summary Judgment to Zap Dime suit away; and maybe why she DENIED WMI's motion to dismiss the BOD as defendants in this case, to shield them from any liability for their complicity in this FRAUD/TRICKERY/DECEIT. And perhaps why she set aside TWICE the amount that WMI first tried to ring-fence for gifting away Anchor under the "F&R" GSA; and that might also be why she included ALL Ltw's (instead of just Broadbill, as WMI so cleverly tried to initially pay-off, but Broadbill told WMI to eff-off) . . . combined ALL Dime Ltw's as one class, and ordered that WMI pay Steinberg in the event that he prevails on his suit. WMI has already said Class 21 (versus their initial stance that Anchor was WMI's to do, as A&M and the SNH's wished, as there simply wasn't any money left for Equity). Well, that kinda changed a little on December 12th. I guess that WMI was wrong about this as well.

And as my parting shot, chew on the §510(b) Subordination (Class 18) issue for just a minute. Exactly what securities did the Dime Ltw Holders PURCHASE or BUY from the Debtor (i.e., WMI)?

You can't get to Class 18 if you answered "none." Judge Walrath ALREADY ruled in the Tranquility matter (just last week), that §510(b) subordination can ONLY apply to securities that were purchased FROM the Debtor (and not a 3rd party). The key distinction is that the Ltw's where NEVER, EVER purchased from WMI; they were distributed as a dividend to certain Dime Bank shareholders in December 2000, before WMI even thought of buying the Dime. §510(b) has always been somewhat of a Red Herring, courtesy of WG&M; "if you can't hang your hat on this one, your honor, why don't you at least swallow what's behind Curtain Number 3"? Our colleague, Mr. RosenRAT can show you his special swallowing technique.

Nice try, but she didn't fall for it in Tranquility, and the smart money is saying that she doesn't contradict herself in next Tuesday's Opinion.

We'll all find out in 96 short little hours, give or take.

Happy New Year to all!

Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Bussicat


30.12.11 10:49
deinen letzten Satz führe ich zu Ende

Bei Tria auch nicht das ist Fakt

LG Bussicat
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! lander


30.12.11 10:53

Zitat observer777...:
2011 is ending. WaMu will outperform in 2012. BTW, don’t expect anything new in the EC Q&A. All have been said in their support letter. Just read the letter and DS, and you will find more and more in it. For instance, in the first six months after BK, litigation subcommittee has full control of whom to litigate. Why the first six months… Happy 2012!
1. The 7POR/DS says that NEWCO is valued as per 6POR/DS at $210M. Is that true? No. WMMRC has been stripped of the $140M valuation of the income stream by the runoff notes. With that $140M of stripped profits, the $20M WMMRC NOLs are not required and therefore have no value. What is left is $50M of NOL intangible value for NEWCO with $75M and a $125M Credit Facility that limits the permitted acquisitions very, very narrow, requires 20% equity or cash match, has short term maturities non-renewable, and defacto covenants. What value would Blackstone provide on that? They didn't provide any.

In sum, the DS valuation of WMMRC at $210M is incorrect and has not been updated by Blackstone. It will be zero. The WMI NEWCO parent will have $75M of cash.

2. Yes, there is more and more in it. Just like (1).

3. The litigation subcommittee upstreams to the Liquidation Trustee and LT Advisory Board. 3 Creditors 1 Middle and 3 EC seats. The 1 Middle is a former Weil Partner, Calpine Debtor Counsel against EC consultant MW and EC counsel Fried Frank. Giving up the 1 mid-seat is tough, but now the EC admits that one of the 3 EC seats goes to a WMB representative as part of the deal. So the LTAB is 5-2 out of the gate. Of the 2 is MW, who negotatiated this arrangement. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy doesn't it?

3. Exiting "on the other side," the fresh start balance sheet will show net assets of $75M, 36% of the $210M valuation per 7POR/DS and certainly not $1 a converted share. Do the math. The 7POR/DS doesn't show the math.

4. The EC appointed BOD is 4 EC 1 SNH. That BOD will be around for 6 months, maybe one year. Then, the majority owners of NEWCO, the shareholders, will elect the permanent BOD. EC control lost, how do you think the SNHs and NHs will treat retail?

5. Read the DS and do the math. Do the math. Do the math.

6. It is not a happy 2012. Retail equity called out the trading of the SNHs and stopped the SNHs from getting NEWCO and the $210M WMMRC and the NOLs. Since then, the settlement no longer includes $210M WMMRC, but we get $75M in return; I guess all the releases were valued at this amount by PJS. The SNHs have merely "adjusted," and will get NEWCO based on the current MKT CAP of the classes, about $140M. Wow, isn't that the amount of WMMRC income/dividends we just stripped to them via the runoff notes? Simple math.

Alles nur meine pers. Meinung, kein Kauf- oder Verkaufs-Empfehlung!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Digit2k

Das wars wohl

30.12.11 11:00
für dieses Jahr.
Wieder mal ist ein Jahr ins Land gezogen ohne das wirklich was passiert ist.

Bin mal gespannt wie die Geschichte hier ausgeht..das mann so was überhaupt so lange hinhalten kann ist echt der hammer.

Möchte hier auch keine Duchhalteparolen schreiben da mein gefühl mir sagt, dass hier jeder mittlerweile mürbe ist und nur noch hält weil der verlust abgeschrieben wurde..wenn es nochmal was wird dann gut..sonst wars nur eine erfahrung.

Wünsche euch allen ein erfolgreiches neue jahr 2012.

Alles nur meine Meinung und keine Handelsempfehlung.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! John66

Der Wandel im System der USA

30.12.11 11:47
bei einem Rechtsstreit wurden früher immer die Zeugen in den Filmen erschossen und der Fall nahm dann den vorgewiesenen Weg. Das war ja echt brutal.
Heute sorgt man dafür, das der Fall ans falsche Gericht kommt und die Richterin den Urteilspruch schon vorher kennt. Das ist doch wirklich humaner.
Am besten bei der Sache ist, das noch immer keiner weiß was dabei heraus kommt.
Also ausgebucht werde ich schon mal nicht. Gut bei meiner Aktienzahl werden hinten zwei Nullen gestichen. Was der Rest wert ist weiß ich dann nicht. Dafür muß ich dann noch den Gegner bescheinigen nichts weiter gegen ihn zu unternehmen. Wenn die Unterschrift dann da ist erfahre ich die wirklichen Neuerungen. Vielleicht noch ein Split oder eine neue Kapitalaufnahme am Markt, dafür darf ich dann nicht mehr handeln.
Dann kommt endlich die Erlösung, danke das sie mitgespielt haben bei unseren neuen Aktienspiel "Gibt dein Geld ab" . Wir werden ihnen eine Quittung ausstellen und uns herzlichst bedanken das sie mitspielen. In kürze werden wir das Rad drehen und sie über das Ergebnis informieren.  Und dies nach 3 Jahren Justiz.  
Aber noch bin ich dabei und noch nicht ausgebucht. Es kann noch viel passieren.
Stay long. John
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! charly503

Ich fühle mich schon geehrt,

30.12.11 11:48
hier in einem Forum schreiben zu dürfen, mich mit vielen Usern auf Grund einer gewissen gedanklichen Ähnlichkeit einem Invest Glauben zu schenken, welches mich auch mental ein wenig bewegt.
Hier habe ich soviele Typen ein wenig kennengelernt, wenn man das überhaupt aus Wort und Schrift noch dazu anonym behaupten kann, welches mich auch wenn es oft nervig war, trotzdem, bereichert hat.

Sowas trifft man an keinem Stammtisch, den ich aber sowieso nicht aufsuche.

Fakt ist doch mal, das auch die Ra's da drüben, Ihre Auftraggeber haben, wohl nicht aus eigenem Antrieb heraus aggieren wollen und vor allem, können.

Ich könnte mir auch vorstellen, das die da drüben Bange haben, wenn der Kurs auf sagen wir 1 Dollar explodieren sollte, unweigerlich ein run auf die Kohle auslösen würde.
Vielleicht haben die Banken das Geld gar nicht!

Mir macht immer wieder der Gedanke der Geldverwendung der Banken grosse Sorgen.

Man muß sich die eigentliche Infamie mal vorstellen, wie es ist und zwar gewollt und gesetzlich geregelt zu sein scheint!

Da brauchen die Banken nur ein zehntel Deines Geldes im portfolio zu halten und neun zehntel von dem, was ihnen noch nicht einmal gehört können sie verleihen und davon Zinsen kassieren.

Das muß doch irgendwann mal in die Hose gehen, meine ich.

So kann man nicht einen eigenen ordentlichen Haushalt führen.

Sie tun es, gönnen sich am Jahresende noch dicke Boni und was ist bei WAMU los?

Wir eiern ein Jahr lang um die 4 - 8 cent!

Und wer hat hieran verdient?

Auch ich wünsche allen hier lesenden Beteiligten Investoren von Herzen einen glücklichen Jahreswechsel, beste Gesundheit und auch wenn es schwer fällt eine gesunde Entscheidung bei unserem Invest von Seiten derer, welche an Gerechtigkeit glauben und uns bei der Suche nach Wahrheit zur Seite stehen.

Dabei wünsche ich uns und mir Erfolg in der Sache!

Alles Gute dann @ALL

der charly
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Pjöngjang

Handel in Frankfurt/Xetra (30.12.2011 bis 14 Uhr)

30.12.11 12:10
FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--In Deutschland (bis 14.00 Uhr) und Großbritannien (bis 13.30 Uhr) findet wegen des bevorstehenden Jahreswechsels ein verkürzter Aktien-, in den USA (bis 20.00 Uhr) ein verkürzter Anleihehandel statt. In Österreich und Südkorea ruht der Handel gänzlich.

Der Börsenhandel in den USA läuft bis 20 Uhr MEZ.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! herrscher2

....und in Nordkorea

30.12.11 12:17


ruht der Handel gänzlich, da das Volk noch 1 Woche weinen" style="max-width:560px" />

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! herrscher2

....und obwohl die Polit-Marionetten

30.12.11 12:21


in Österreich sich bester Gesundheit erfreuen, bleibt dem Volk auch nur das Weinen ob dieser Tatsache....

Gruß an alle Ö" style="max-width:560px" />

Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Koshka

Wünsche allen

30.12.11 13:15
ein guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.Und viel Gesundheit!!!!                                                        Laßt euch von einigen wenigen nicht verrückt machen.Bin zwar nur stille Mitleserin,aber was hier teilweise los ist geht auf keine Kuhhaut. Also ruhe bewahren. Wir wissen nicht was im Hintergrund läuft bei den Amis.
Und noch vielen Dank an die jenigen die uns unermütlich mit Informationen versorgen.Sonst wären wir alle aufgeschmissen ohne sie.    

L.G. Koshka
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! paketix

ich lehne mich zum jahresende

30.12.11 13:16
...mal etwas weiter aus dem fenster als sonst
bzgl. WAMU bin ich was die commons betrifft nämlich der meinung dass wir die tiefstkurse gesehen haben - ab januar rechne ich mit anziehenden kursen (gemächlich)
bloss meine meinung und keine empfehlung zu irgendwas ;)
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! oldwatcher


30.12.11 13:25
Ich nehme Deine Hoffnung auf steigende Kurse auf und möchte allen Mitstreitern (im doppelten Sinne gemeint) alles erdenklich Gute für 2012 wünschen.
Es gibt Wichtigeres als wamu, aber das ist es, was uns zusammen hält.
In den letzten Wochen wurde wenig von der Bodensee-Party geschrieben. Hiermit möchte ich den Gedanken aufgreifen.
Wie auch immer dies hier ausgeht - ich wünsche mir und uns, dass wir uns 2012 im Sommer am Bodensee treffen. Ich komme auch hin, wenn ich durch wamu arm bleibe.
Guten Rutsch.
Oldwatcher aus dem schönen Thüringen
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! thegerman

Zum Jahreswechsel verabschiede ich mich und

30.12.11 13:29
wünsche euch alles Gute .
Jeder von euch möge in 2012 das bekommen was er verdient !
Auch ihr - Brian  und. Jamie !
Ich hoffe wir lesen uns alle im neuen Jahr wieder .

Guten Rutsch and stay UNITED
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Ecki07

2 Tage wie jedes WE?

30.12.11 13:49
Schönes Wochenende. Montag gehts normal weiter.
Guten Rutsch. Morgen um 24:00 die Augen schließen und ...
uns allen viel Erfolg!
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! waswesichxx

Hallo alle

30.12.11 13:53
Bevor sich jetzt alle bis ins neue Jahr verabschieden moechte Ich noch einen Hinweis geben.
United plant eine DS Objectionaktion. Da die Objectiondeadline auf den 4 Januar festgesetzt ist, bleibt nicht nehr viel Zeit. Jene, die sich an der Aktion beteiligen wollen , sollten , wenn moeglich, ein Auge auf den Thread oder Ihre BM,s haben.

Im Hintergrund wird mit Hochdruck an der Aktion gearbeitet,
Die Objection ist eigentlich schon fertig, momentan geht es noch darum die Ablaeufe zu koordinieren. Es werden Wege aufgezeigt, wie jeder, auch ohne Scanner oder Fax, sich an der Aktion beteiligen kann.  Wer also der Meinung ist das wir unseren Zweifeln Gehoer verschaffen sollten, sollte hier und da mal in seine BM oder den Thread schauen.
Die Zeit ist allerdings wirklich knapp.

Ansonsten wuensche auch Ich allen einen guten Rutsch und alles gute in 2012. Wie unser momentan leider verschollenes Kult-Maskotchen Noenouh mal so treffend gesagt hat. Ich gruesse alle die mich moegen, und auch die, die mich nicht moegen.

Lg waswesichxx
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Pjöngjang

Washington Mutual Settlement Approved

30.12.11 14:32
The U.S. Bankruptcy Court entered an order approving a settlement between Washington Mutual (WMI) and the United States with respect to the American Savings Litigation. According to documents filed with the Court, "WMI and the United States have agreed to compromise and settle the balance of the American Savings Litigation, the Warrant Award, for a payment of $50 million by the United States to the American Savings Plaintiffs, provided such payment is received by WMI no later than December 30, 2011, but on or before January 15, 2012, the settlement payment will be $50.75 million."
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! Pjöngjang

$$ Can Bank of America Survive a 'Run on the Bank'

30.12.11 14:40
While most of the discussion on regulatory reform in the wake of the banking crisis of 2008 has focused on capital strength, lending standards and mortgage loan servicing, it's liquidity problems that can quickly kill a bank.

We saw that with Lehman Brothers, which relied on short-term funding before it went bankrupt in September 2008, with Barclays (BCS_) and Nomura Holdings (NMR_) feeding off the carcass.

Amid its own liquidity crisis, the well-capitalized Bear Sterns had avoided bankruptcy in March 2008, when the Federal Reserve facilitated a quick sale of the firm to JPMorgan Chase (JPM_).

Liquidity concerns were also at the forefront of the decision by the Office of Thrift Supervision -- with prodding form the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. -- to shutter Washington Mutual in September 2008, which was sold by the FDIC to JPMorgan Chase. During the final weeks before it became the largest bank or thrift to fail in U.S. history, Washington Mutual was offering rates for six-month CDs that were twice the national average.

A relatively limited run on deposits in August 2007 and other liquidity concerns also factored into Countrywide Financial's decision to bail in January 2008, when it announced a deal for Bank of America (BAC) to buy the company. Other thrifts seeing runs on deposits before failure included IndyMac Bank, which failed in July 2008, and Downey Savings & Loan, which was shut down by the OTS in November 2008.

While most of the coverage of the regulatory changes spurred by the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act -- signed into law by President Obama in July of last year -- have focused on threats to large banks' revenue from lower debit card interchange fees as required by the Durbin Amendment, and from the ban on "proprietary trading" required by the Volcker Rule, along with enhanced capital requirements and Federal Reserve stress tests, Dodd-Frank also addressed liquidity.
Wamu WKN 893906 News ! jk75

@ charly503

30.12.11 14:43

"Wir eiern 1 Jahr lang zwischen 4-8 cent rum"

ý Naja, wer da dreimal bei  ~8 cent verkauft und  bei ~ 4 cent  wieder gekauft hätte, was in 2011 locker drin gewesen wäre , hat hätte dann immerhin eine verachtfachung gehabt -vielleicht sind wir einfach zu gierig und sehen vor lauter bäumen den wald nichtmehr...

so long - schönes neues Jahr und ein fettes settlement !!! irgendwann, irgendwo, ...

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