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COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH)

Beiträge: 86.762
Zugriffe: 22.314.832 / Heute: 2.400
Mr. Cooper Group. 73,28 € -0,84% Perf. seit Threadbeginn:   +1350,51%
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) neverenough


19.12.13 13:17
bombenchart, heute sollte es mit der $3 klappen !?!


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COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) TWilly


19.12.13 13:26
Ich blicke jetzt grade nicht durch...
meine Wamus wurden nach dem Release stehen jetzt meine WMIHs
in der Depotübersicht so drin,dass der  komplette momentane Wert als Gewinn ausgewiesen wird!
Als Kaufkurs wird 0 Dollar angezeigt!Das stimmt ja nicht,wurden ja gewandelt!?
Wenn ich jetzt was verkaufen würde,dann ziehen die mir ja die Steuer vom kompletten Betrag ab?
Das ist doch nicht korrekt!Wie kann ich das verhindern?Und war das bei euch auch so(falls jemand schonmal ein paar gewandelte verkauft hat!)?
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) neverenough


19.12.13 13:27
ja das ist von deiner bank falsch. EK 0 muss bei den escrows stehen. und dein EK der wamuq hätte auf die wmi umgelegt werden müssen.
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) Bauernfeind


19.12.13 13:43
Das stimmt nicht.Nach dem Wandeln der alten Wamus in Neue,wurde Dein Einkaufspreis
als Verlust aufgelistet.Solltest Du jetzt Deine Neuen verkaufen,wird dies automatisch gegengerechnet.So ist es jedenfalls bei meiner Bank.
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) justnormal

Hallo Mitstreiter

19.12.13 14:02
seit langer Zeit lese und schreibe ich an Large Green aus I-Hub.
Ich möchte euch ein Startposting von ihm reinstellen und euch einen Rat geben die folgenden Postings von ihm mal zu verfolgen.

Tuesday, 12/17/13

Rico, IMHO this is what Susman has coming for escrow shareowners.

I still say the REAL sausage for escrow shares is being hidden within the various types of claims that are coming soon and explains many, many actions and/or non actions in my opinion! I have maintained for over two years that there would never be any third party suits, former WAHUQ would not be paid until WMIH is capitalized.

Then we have bogus claims which been entered after the bar date (almost unheard of) and amended for the sole reason to drag this out a full six years keeping FDIC/JPM from having to make good on any of the potential claims. None of the employee claims had any business in bankruptcy court to start with as all an honest judge would have done is told the claimants to file suit against the correct people who received the bank and the former WaMu employees and of course that was JPM.

As far as third party claims, I always maintained after the Criminals blacked out this travesty worldwide in both print and media for a reason and there would be no way they would allow third party suits against people who will expose the travesty worldwide defending themselves. It made sense to me years ago and makes even more sense now.

This also explains Susman's so called non actions and many more actions that I will not go into at this point. They spent a lot of time making sure escrow shares could not be traded, bartered or transferred for a reason. This deal was made years ago and now we are about to receive what the former WAHUQ holders were going to get and now they are capped at ten dollars plus with no escrow shares. Such bad, bad boys have been punished!!!

And if settlement would have happened, this would have shown how illegal this bankruptcy case actually was/is. So now we move on to prosecute the claims that MAY hold the REAL VALUE for our highly coveted escrow shares that have been pushed, delayed and pushed again to keep the real Criminals from having to pay for six years.
Viel Spass beim lesen

COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) mafu01

@ Willy @ Never

19.12.13 14:04
zu 31477
Das ist bei mir auch so und dein Posting hat mich gerade etwas stutzig gemacht. Ich habe direkt bei meiner Bank, die Comdirekt, angerufen. Und siehe da, die EK Daten der alten Wamuq sind zwar nicht sichtbar aber trotzdem hinterlegt. Bei der comdirect gibt es eine Funktion Steuersimulation... Vielleicht gibt es das bei dir ja auch. Da kann man es schön sehen. .... Ist doof, dass das nicht direkt im Depot dargestellt wird, aber ist halt so.
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) mafu01


19.12.13 14:07
zu 31479
Also bei mir ist da wie gesagt nicht so. Der EK der alten wamuqs sind NICHT als Verlust im Topf.
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) sky

erster kurs

19.12.13 14:09
2.76 / 2.86 us
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) gadget9090

Bid & Ask

19.12.13 14:12
2.76 / 2.86 sieht nach starker Eröffnung aus... ;-)
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) paketix

mal schaun'

19.12.13 14:17
ist immer etwas schwierig mit bid/ask so früh
dauert ja noch über eine stunde bis der handelsplatz öffnet - da kann noch viel passieren (in beide richtungen) ;)
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) Zaobera


19.12.13 14:18
WAMU ----- für mich zum SCHOTTER!!!
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) neverenough


19.12.13 14:22
haltet eure scheinchen fest  
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) Kesi231

JPM Gauner

19.12.13 14:23

Sollten wir wirklich noch den Tag erleben, an dem Jamie und Konsorten vom Hof gejagt werden?

Der Bericht ist zwar von einer etwas "dubiosen" Quelle, entspricht vielleicht aber doch den Tatsachen

JP Morgan Chase’s legal drama continues: can the bank survive one more?

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co's legal problems worsened Tuesday when the State of Mississippi alleged it committed misconduct while suing credit-card users for delinquent payments.The Mississippi Attorney General filed a lawsuit following an 18-month investigation and several months of discussions with J.P. Morgan. The complaint alleges J.P. Morgan "knowingly and willfully made false and misleading statements" while recouping old debts and filed legal documents in Mississippi that were "uncertified and lacked evidence."
J.P. Morgan, according to the complaint, pursued Mississippi consumers for delinquent amounts they didn't owe or debts that they had already paid.
The New York based bank allegedly "harassed" one woman, along with her mother and ex-husband, over a debt that had been settled in full, according to the complaint, filed in Mississippi's Chancery Court of the First Judicial District of Hinds County. The episode damaged her credit score and prevented her from landing a mortgage-refinancing loan, according to the complaint. The consumers affected weren't named in the suit.

J.P. Morgan is reeling from a barrage of legal troubles ranging from its overseas hiring practices to its trading operations. It has agreed in recent months to pay nearly $20 billion to settle an array of lawsuits and investigations relating to a 2012 trading debacle, past sales of mortgage bonds and problems it inherited with the purchases of securities firm Bear Stearns Cos. and the banking operations of Seattle thrift Washington Mutual Inc.

Mississippi is the second state to sue J.P. Morgan for its credit card practices. California filed a suit in May. At least 15 other states are examining how J.P. Morgan handled its credit card collection suits.
One federal regulator in September ordered J.P. Morgan to fix its debt-collection operations. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency said in a 58-page document that J.P. Morgan, along with outside lawyers, allegedly failed to verify the accuracy of information, and, in some cases, judgments against consumers allegedly contained "financial errors."
J.P. Morgan officials previously have said the bank acted proactively to fix the debt-collection problems by reviewing customers' accounts, stopping the filing of lawsuits in 2011 and providing compensation to consumers. Mississippi's lawsuit involved about 800 consumer cases, according to a person familiar with the case.
Despite all legal drama, it might be a Christmas miracle if at least some of the bank’s chief executives - James Dimon, for instance, get punished for what they had done. No matter what, he is a free man today, with no fear of prosecution for all illegal operations. It should color our perceptions of new rules and regulations that supposedly “get tough” on the financial industry, as we recognize that any law is only as strong as the individuals who enforce them.
The law in question that Jamie Dimon violated, by his own admission, can be found in Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Section 906 forces corporate CEOs and CFOs (chief financial officers) to add a written certification to every periodic financial statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Under Section 906, if the CEO or CFO knowingly or willfully makes false certifications – i.e., if they know the SEC filing contains inaccurate information, or that the company’s internal controls are inadequate – they face fines of up to $5 million, and imprisonment of up to 20 years.
It is well known that Wall Street firms like JPMorgan Chase routinely violated any number of laws leading up to and after the financial crisis. We know that the risks weren’t disclosed to investors in a timely manner, since multibillion-dollar settlements keep getting announced without warning. And we know enough to infer that the annual statements to the SEC that Jamie Dimon personally signed were inaccurate.
As Bloomberg’s Jonathan Weil noted, last week Dimon appeared at an investor conference put on by Goldman Sachs. And at this conference, he said, in public, “We have control issues we’ve got to fix. We’re taking an ax to it. We’re going to fix the problems that have been identified.”
It’s impossible to believe that Jamie Dimon signs statements every quarter asserting that the internal controls at JPMorgan Chase are effective, only to be blindsided at some later point about their inadequacy. That is exactly what attorneys would try to claim in a criminal trial, but any marginally competent lawyer could blow such a defense out of the water.
There’s only one reason why Jamie Dimon and his fellow mates are not facing criminal charges today – they are protected safely by wealth, power and frankpledge.
Read more:

COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) Babytrader

ist es nur Einbildung?

19.12.13 14:45
Bzw eine verschobene Sichtweise von mir?

Oder kommt es mir so vor, als würden immer mehr berichte / Veröffentlichungen MOMENTAN gegen 'die bösen' auf den Tisch kommen!??

Nahezu täglich werden irgendwelche Dinge veröffentlicht (Bloomberg, etc pp) welche den beteiligten Banken JPM, GS indirekt ans Bein pinkeln....

Die letzten Monate / Jahre war das in dieser Form nicht der Fall...

Oder ist mein Sinn durch die jetzige WMIH-Rallye einfach nur getrübt???

Falls sich mein Sinn nicht täuscht - vielleicht wendet sich das Blatt ja auch gerade und es wird bewusst Druck auf 'die Verbrecher' ausgeübt.....

Wie gesagt: nur mein derzeitiges empfinden....
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) faster

@freiwilder und escrows

19.12.13 14:46
während der reorganisation der wamu hat jeder jeder gläubiger seine forderungen mehr oder weniger erfüllt bekommen.

und für diese forderungen, sofern sie noch nicht erfüllt wurden, stehen sogenannte escrows im depot.

ich halte z.b. escrows für die wahuq, die wamkq, die wampq und die wamuq (die stammaktien der wamu). die escrows für die wahuq sind momentan etwa 11 dollar wert, die anderen 0. wenn nun geld in die konkursmasse kommt, dann werden diese escrows ausbezahlt, in der reihenfolge der klasse, also momentan die wahuq (das ist die klasse 16, bis jetzt sind die klassen 1-15 bedient worden) und ein paar andere, und dann bleiben die escrows für die vorzüge und stammaktien übrig.

geld kann in die konkursmasse aus verscheidenen quellen kommen, z.b. durch den gewinn von klagen gegen diverse finanzämter auf steuerrückerstattung (sicher), oder durch die ablehnung von forderungen der angestellten (zur besicherung dieser forderungen hat das gericht die geforderte summe zurückgelegt, wenn diese forderungen abgelehnt werden, dann kann diese summe der nächsten klasse ausbezahlt werden) (ziemlich sicher, aber wahrscheinlich nur teilwiese), oder durch klagen gegen vermeintliche übeltäter wie goldman sachs oder die ratingagenturen, welchen man vertragsbruch und andere straftaten im zusammenhang mit dem zusammenbruch der wamu vorwirft (wahrscheinlich).

über den wert, den die escrows erreichen können, oder sollten, kann man trefflich streiten, grins.

als obere grenze würde ich persönlich die 100% befriedigung der vorzüge nehmen. wiel ich mir nicht vorstellen kann, dass die den vorzügen mehr als ihre forderungen bezahlen werden.

und da hängt es davon ab, wieviel die wmih am ende wert sind. wenn man die wmih auf 25 dollar schätz, dann wären das beim umtauschverhältnis von 1/19 für die wampq etwa 475 usd. um dann die forderungen auf 100% das sind 1000 dollar für die wampq zu erfüllen, braucht man aus dem konkurstopf noch 525 usd. also 52,5%.

das wären bei forderungen von etwa 7400 mio x 0,525 für die vorzüge etwa 1300 für die stammaktien. das wären für die wampq etwa 525 usd oder pro wamuq etwa 1.1 usd. insgesamt müssten dazu in die konkursmasse also ezwa 5,25 mrd kommen, das ist zwar möglich, ich würde die wahrscheinlichkeit aber auf maximal 50/50 schätzen.

wenn man die wmih "nur" auf 6 dollar schätzt, dann wären das bei den wampq etwa 6 x 19 = 114 usd. dann müssten, wenn man die wampq voll befriedigen will, die escrows etwa 880 bringen. bedeutet, die konkursmasse müsste etwa 9 mrd bekommen, und dann wären die wamu bei etwa 1.90 usd.

für die minimalsumme habe ich auch zwei zahlen, einmal 0, schräges grins, aber eher wahrscheinlich ist, dass über die recovery der escrows auch die anwälte ihren teil bekommne. vergesst nicht, zum zeitpunkt, als s&g eingestiegen sind, waren die stammaktien und vorzüge wertlos. fragt vandelft, grins.

die können also mit fug und recht sagen, sie haben dem ec und uns geholfen, eine nette summe zu retten. wenn man z.b. die wmih mit 25 bewertet, dann sind das bei 20% kleinstanlegern etwa 40 mio x 25 = 1000 mio usd.

und da erwarten die us anwälte mindestens 10%, schräges grins.

wenn man aber über die escrows etwa 100 mio an die anwälte ausschüten will, dann muss "man" mindestens 500 mio reinbringen, eher sogar mehr.
ich rechne da also zwischen 500 und 1000 mio, das wäre ein mittelwert von etwa 800 mio + spesen. und das wären für die wamuq etwa 0,20 usd.

ich schätze (und dass ist wirklich nur eine schätzung) die erträge für die wamuq pro aktie bei mindestens 0,2 usd, und maximal 2,1 usd.

wenn man da noch die eitelkeiten der beteiligten dazunimmt, und weiss, dass der zur zeit höchste vergleich gegen hedegfunds bei 1200 mio liegt (sac cohen), kann man das auch noch einbeziehen, wobei man da eher mit vergleichen gegen mehrere aktive rechnen sollte. ich gehe davon aus, das S&G für die chance auf einen rekord kämpfen werden, das würde dann die mindestsumme auf etwa 0,26 usd anheben.

ich weiss, dass meine schätzungen manch weihnachtliche vorfreude etwas dämpfen wird, aber ihr könnt immer davon ausgehen, dass ich mich auch irren kann (was ich schon bewiesen habe, breites grins).
"ein silber panda oder ein silber kookaburra kann die welt verbessern, grins" crasht jpm
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) faster

@freiwilder und escrows 2

19.12.13 14:50
als nachtrag, escrows sind nicht handelbar, und sind nur sehr beschränkt übertragbar (z.b. durch erbschaft, grins, was beim tempo der wamu aufarbeitung durchaus geschehen kann).
"ein silber panda oder ein silber kookaburra kann die welt verbessern, grins" crasht jpm
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) famherzig

stu aktuell 2,030

19.12.13 14:58
scheint was zu werden heute
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) The_Hope

@faster dämpfen ?

19.12.13 15:01
Balsam für meine  finanzielle Seele :-)

"über den wert, den die escrows erreichen können, oder sollten, kann man trefflich streiten, grins."

Eben, die liegen da schön und sicher, nur einer muss die noch ausbrüten :-)

COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) bodyone

naked shortselling wamu

19.12.13 15:06
More on WaMu Trading Activity
I also wanted to mention what I noticed as extremely bizarre WaMu stock price movements.
From about March to June 2008, as WaMu average trading volume soared to over 200 million shares traded daily (to the best of my memory), I found WaMu stock price movements for most days over that period difficult to explain.
Let me be clear on this.
I closely followed WaMu every day during that period.
I also followed the other banking stocks.
All of the other bank stock price movements during that period were explainable based on market strength, material public disclosures and financial industry investor sentiment.
But the stock price movements of WaMu were quite bizarre in my opinion.
I was so actively involved that I placed approximately 200 day trades in WaMu from my personal account during a 3-month period.
That may not be a lot of trades for some of you, but it was for me since I’m not a day trader.  
Day trading WaMu on many occasions was easy for even me; someone who focuses more on short-term and intermediate trades.
To be a successful day trader, you need to focus less on rational and fundamentals and more on instincts and technical analysis. Of all things that are of benefit to day traders, trading volume can be one of the most revealing.
Day trading is much different than longer-term trading. It’s more of a crap shoot because many of the most valuable resources (such as valuations, market strength, etc.) are not that important since the trades are very short-term.
Yet, day trading WaMu in the Spring of 2008 was quite easy because many of the stock price movements (once they were in play) were easy to profit from because they occurred on huge volumes with a great deal of block trading.

All one had to do was wait for the price move on heavy block trades and jump aboard for the ride.
And of course, make sure to get out before the end of the day.
I recall noting that for approximately 80% to 90% of the trading days over that time frame, WaMu stock price movements made absolutely no sense given the disclosed material for the bank as well as the general movement from the other banks (note that I previously stated that day trading was easy because the price movements could often be anticipated. Do not take that to mean that the price direction made sense).
Finally, note that there were several days (maybe 20-30) when WaMu had intraday swings of 15-20%, once again on heavy trading volume.
It was one of the most bizarre periods of trading activity over a several month period I have ever seen.
If you are able to go back and study all of the data for each day during that period (and that would consume an enormous amount of time) you would understand what I mean. Some of you might have been trading WaMu during that period and know precisely what I’m talking about.
So what do these observations mean?
I have no idea.
What I do know is that something very strange was going on with WaMu stock; not for one day or one week; not even for one month, but for several months.
And this bizarre price activity was occurring on huge trading volumes.
The question I have is this; how could so many shares behave so unpredictably and contrary to reason based on my own assessment of all publicly released data, and for such a long time frame?
Remember, I’m the guy who wrote in a book (2006) to short Fannie, Freddie, Accredited Lenders, Fremont General, Novistar, the banks and homebuilders.
Even after TPG funded WaMu with over $7 billion in the Spring of 2008, the stock continued to trade in a very unpredictable manner.
This too was very strange.
In fact, as I previously mentioned, WaMu stock collapsed down to a price (~$9.25 from my best memory) shortly after TPG purchased WaMu shares for ($8.75).
Now we know that during that time frame, JPM made an offer of around $8/share for WaMu. Was this information spread illegally and acted upon by funds or banks?
I’d say the SEC needs to add this investigation to the list I have made.
You might recall that one of my claims in the SEC complaint was that WaMu was not insolvent.
Since the seizure, court documents now reveal that JPM has claimed WaMu was NOT insolvent.
If WaMu was not insolvent, why was insolvency listed as the official reason for the seizure by both the OTS and FDIC?
When I made calls to the OTS and FDIC requesting proof of insolvency, officials kept using various methods of distraction and sidelining the issue. After I educated them on what was going on with the banking scams, they appeared to get nervous.
Let me be clear. The FDIC, under Shelia Bair robbed WaMu shareholders.
WaMu shareholders must demand answers.
Where is the proof that JPM was the only bidder for WaMu?
Why was JPM permitted to steal WaMu assets and deposits totaling over one-half trillion dollars for a paltry $1.9 billion? The WaMu brand name combined with its 5000 fully-owned ATMs and 2200 branches alone was worth at least this much.
Why was JPM permitted to take over $20 billion in cash from WaMu Federal Savings Bank and $4 billion from WaMu’s bank holding company?
Since the seizure, we also know that JPM had access to WaMu’s books when the bank was conducting due diligence. We must ask whether JPM leaked any rumors or inside information to other parties, which might have caused further naked shorting activities.
The SEC could easily find out this information if it wanted to. The sad thing is that we will never know whether they checked.
You should assume they did not and will not investigate any of the issues I have raised, UNLESS people start raising Hell with Washington.
Finally, we know that WaMu was not included on the initial short ban list in July 2008.
But we now know that former CEO Kerry Killinger sent a letter to the SEC specifically requesting to be included in this list.  
As I have previously stated, excluding Fannie and Freddie, there was absolutely no reason why the remaining 17 financial institutions would be added to this list based upon short interest data and financial information as of that period.
The short interest ratio for the remaining financial firms was very low, and investors still had no idea of the extent of the problems with the banks’ toxic assets.
In contrast, rumors were being spread about WaMu, Wachovia and E-Trade. As well, the financial instability of these three banks was the most vulnerable of all other financial firms.
As a result, the short interest ratio for each of these three firms ranged between 15-25% (WaMu short interest was 25%) during the time which this first short ban list was created.
Once again, the SEC needs to investigate the source of rumors regarding WaMu.
I’m willing to bet at least some of the rumors originated from someone inside JPM.
Perhaps the most sickening thing out this entire charade was that, all throughout, America’s mass-media propaganda machine hailed JP Morgan as a hero, rushing in to save America as it had done a few months earlier when it was handed Bear Stearns for pennies on the dollar, and with 0 risk involved.
In reality, the two largest banking heists in world history are certain to add tens of billions of dollars in net worth to JP Morgan, and potentially a similar amount of net income.
After writing down $118 billion in impaired WaMu assets by 25%, JPM is already making money. Just a few months later, those impaired assets have resulted in a net income of some $1.5 billion for the quarter (2009).
Estimates now show that those write downs could flip-flop into $29 billion of net income over the life of WaMu’s debt maturity.
And of course, the media has propped Jamie Dimon as some kind of hero.
The media has also praised Shelia Bair as another superstar.
Similar to how the media praised Alan Greenspan for so many years, my guess is that down the road, the media will once again be eating its words when the truth comes out about JPM, Jamie Dimon, the FDIC, and the biggest banking heist in world history.
It would appear that Dimon has no intention of sticking around when the full truth surfaces. Just as class-action lawsuits are starting to pile up from WaMu shareholders, Dimon has recently announced a coming resignation.
Is his announcement a coincidence? Decide for yourself.
Perhaps you recall in late 2007 when Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis made a bid for Countrywide Financial.
Do you remember how the financial media was painting him out to be some great banking genius?
A year later when Lewis announced the Merrill Lynch deal, the media continued with its praise.
You might recall I wrote an article immediately after the announcement, exposing the real deal.
Only in 2009 have I been proven correct.  
Like always, America’s useless media is now eating its words.
Meanwhile, the media continues its ban on me because they don’t want the truth to come out. They are protecting the interests of their financial sponsors; the financial industry.
That is precisely why they have selected the hams you read about and see on TV. I don’t think I need to mention any names.  
I have no reason to believe I will not be proven correct about WaMu, the FDIC, and JPM.
I don’t need to wait for the facts to surface because I already know the reality. And I’m willing to bet any amount of money that I’m right.
Any takers?
Perhaps Dimon wants to exit while the glamour is still there. After all, it’s much better to exit as a star than a disgrace.
The media needs to stop avoiding the WaMu heist and get on top of things for once, instead of promoting the same dog-and-pony show.  
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) bodyone

wenn irgendwann die NSA anklopft

19.12.13 15:07
wisst ihr bescheid ... hehe  ;-)))
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) JoeBlack7

Was ist eigendlich aus dem irrtümlich

19.12.13 15:09
durch die FDIC beschlagnahmten WMI Konto geworden, liegt das nicht auch noch irgendwo auf Eis? Wenn ich nicht irre lagen da 4 Milliarden USD drauf. Hab schon ne Menge durchforstet, konnte aber nichts dazu finden.
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) bodyone

sorry die links zu dem thema shortselling wmi

19.12.13 15:12

In naked short sales, investors seeking to profit from a bear raid will agree to sell stock short without first finding shares to sell, the trust says. Large amounts of naked short sales can artificially depress a stock's price by increasing the supply of shares, and naked short selling is recognized as abusive market manipulation that is almost always illegal.

The trust says there is overwhelming evidence that WMI's stock was subjected to naked short selling and that the decline in its value is largely due to naked shorting, not to any weakness in WaMu.

“This potentially unlawful trading activity created a classic death spiral for the bank,” the trust said.

It asks the court to allow it to conduct discovery to determine if Goldman participated in or facilitated the shorting and naked shorting of WMI's stock, arguing that if evidence of that behavior exists, there would be a basis for a breach of contract claim and possibly market manipulation and other securities-related causes of action against Goldman.

It argues that the trading records it needs to determine Goldman's involvement are solely within the investment bank's possession, but that even without them there is good reason to believe the bank participated. Goldman's involvement in other bear raids and naked shorting has been widely reported, and it's been named as a defendant in several suits over alleged naked short-selling, the trust says.
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) wlad1979

ich bin für dunkel grün

19.12.13 15:14

auf gehts  
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) BusinessDeluxe


19.12.13 15:14
""Also bei mir ist da wie gesagt nicht so. Der EK der alten wamuqs sind NICHT als Verlust im Topf""

Die tauchen jetzt bei dir bei der WMIH als Anschaffungskosten auf.
Und werden bei Verkauf gegengerechnet.
COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) bodyone


19.12.13 15:16
ich glaube du meinst die 4 mrd. deposit ... den aktuellsten stand weiß ich leider nicht !

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60 67.423 Coop SK Tippspiel (ehem. WMIH) ranger100 schladi1 22.04.24 20:00
46 13.490 █ Der ESCROW - Thread █ union sonifaris 20.04.24 18:15
8 1.307 WMIH + Cooper Info Orakel99 lander 19.04.24 16:17
162 86.761 COOP News (ehemals: Wamu /WMIH) Pjöngjang noenough 21.03.24 17:04
349 198.955 Wamu WKN 893906 News ! plusquamperfekt union 10.03.24 17:21
