Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. (“PSH”) Announces Non-Material Change to Investment Policy

Donnerstag, 07.03.2024 15:53 von

</head><p> Regulatory News: </p><p> Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. (LN:PSH) (LN:PSHD) (NA:PSH) today announced that it has made a non-material change to its Investment Policy to make PSH eligible under FCA Listing Rule 15.4.5 for investment by other listed, closed-ended investment funds. </p><p> The following clause in PSH’s Investment Policy has been changed from: </p><p> “The Company will not invest more than 10%, in aggregate, of its total assets in other UK-listed closed- ended investment funds, unless such other closed-ended investment funds themselves have published investment policies to invest no more than 15% of their total assets in other UK-listed closed-ended investment funds.” </p><p> To: </p><p> “The Company will not invest more than 10%, in aggregate, of its total assets in other UK-listed closed- ended investment funds.” </p><p> <b>About Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.</b> </p><p> Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. (LN:PSH) (LN:PSHD) (NA:PSH) is an investment holding company structured as a closed-ended fund. </p><p> Category: (PSH:CorporateActions) </p><p><div class="fixed-container"><amp-img class="contain center" layout="fill" alt="" src="" ></div><span class="bwct31415" /></p><p id="mmgallerylink"><span id="mmgallerylink-phrase">View source version on </span><span id="mmgallerylink-link"><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a></span></p></html> <div class="abstand"></div> <div class="arheadgl"> <h3 class="arhead">Weitere Themen</h3> </div> <div id="more_news"> <div> <a href="/news/dpa-afx-brsentag-auf-einen-blick-leichte-kursgewinne-11254740"> <div class="thumbnail_1 thumbnail"> <div class="position_fix"> <div class="overlay"> <span class="date"> 07:32 </span> </div> </div> </div> dpa-AFX Börsentag auf einen Blick: Leichte Kursgewinne erwartet </a> </div> <div> <a href="/news/dax-flash-etwas-hher-us-zinssignale-dmpfen-11254716"> <div class="thumbnail_2 thumbnail"> <div class="position_fix"> <div class="overlay"> <span class="date"> 07:22 </span> </div> </div> </div> DAX-FLASH: Etwas höher - US-Zinssignale dämpfen Anleger-Euphorie um Nvidia </a> </div> <div> <a href="/news/chatgpt-bekommt-auch-zugriff-auf-wall-street-journal-und-11254644"> <div class="thumbnail_3 thumbnail"> <div class="position_fix"> <div class="overlay"> <span class="date"> 06:12 </span> </div> </div> </div> ChatGPT bekommt auch Zugriff auf 'Wall Street Journal' und 'Times' </a> </div> <div> <a href="/news/roundup-nvidias-rekordlauf-geht-dank-ki-boom-weiter-11254641"> <div class="thumbnail_4 thumbnail"> <div class="position_fix"> <div class="overlay"> <span class="date"> 06:12 </span> </div> </div> </div> ROUNDUP: Nvidias Rekordlauf geht dank KI-Boom weiter </a> </div> <div> <a href="/news/aktie-im-fokus-nvidia-erstmals-ber-1000-us-dollar-starke-11254571"> <div class="thumbnail_5 thumbnail"> <div class="position_fix"> <div class="overlay"> <span class="date"> 22.05.24 </span> </div> </div> </div> AKTIE IM FOKUS: Nvidia erstmals über 1000 US-Dollar - Starke Quartalszahlen </a> </div> <div> <a href="/news/nvidias-rekordlauf-geht-dank-ki-boom-weiter-11254555"> <div class="thumbnail_6 thumbnail"> <div class="position_fix"> <div class="overlay"> <span class="date"> 22.05.24 </span> </div> </div> </div> Nvidias Rekordlauf geht dank KI-Boom weiter </a> </div> </div> <div class="buttonNew"> <div> <a href="/news/"> Weitere Themen <span>»</span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <amp-analytics type="gtag" data-credentials="include"> <script type="application/json"> { "vars" : { "gtag_id": "UA-154038-1", "config" : { "UA-154038-1": { "groups": "default" } } } } </script> </amp-analytics> </body> </html>